House of Assembly: Wednesday, March 01, 2017


Mount Barker District Soldiers Memorial Hospital

Mr GOLDSWORTHY (Kavel) (15:00): My question is to the Minister for Health. How can the government's trial of an after-hours doctor service at Mount Barker hospital be effective when the community has been given only five days' notice and no information has been provided to them as to what level of emergency care will be available during the trial?

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING (Playford—Minister for Health, Minister for the Arts, Minister for Health Industries) (15:00): I am very pleased to see the Leader of the Opposition taking a photograph of the member for Kavel asking his question—there for posterity.

Members interjecting:

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING: He is the only one we fear. I am very pleased to announce that we will be providing an overnight medical service at the Mount Barker hospital, which has previously not been the case. I have to say that is largely due to the lobbying efforts of the new member for Mayo, who has worked tirelessly on behalf of the Mount Barker community when members of the Liberal Party have taken that community for granted for too long.

The member for Mayo has stood up for her community and has not taken it for granted. Isn't it ironic that the Leader of the Opposition would be taking a photograph, because it is the first time the member for Kavel has asked a question in this place on behalf of his community?

Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN: Point of order: debate, imputing improper motives and risking his own blood pressure.

The SPEAKER: I think we will just uphold it on the basis of debate.