House of Assembly: Thursday, December 01, 2016


Adjournment Debate


The Hon. T.R. KENYON (Newland) (18:35): Very quickly, I would like to thank my staff. The Deputy Premier was correct: I would be a lot less effective if it were not for them. I thank the Leader of the Government, and particularly Corey Harriss in his office, for their work throughout this year. I thank my caucus colleagues, who have been very cooperative for making my job easier. The Opposition Whip, the member for Flinders, has been a great joy to work with. I thank him for his cooperation and the smooth running of the house, and his staff as well, Mr Simon Halliwell in particular. Also, I thank the previous whip and Leader of Opposition Business who has been very good to work with, and I thank him for that.

Mr Speaker, thank you for your smooth running of the house. I would particularly like to thank the Deputy Speaker. I want to record my thanks formally for her efforts. She is always diligent and attentive throughout all the committee stages, in particular, which can take some doing. Her effort during the euthanasia debate was simply outstanding, and I would like to offer her my thanks for her service to this parliament this year in particular and obviously in previous years.

I thank the table staff, led by Mr Crump; the Parliament House catering staff and other Parliament House staff; and Hansard who, as so many members have said, make readable what would otherwise be illegible if it were transcribed literally. For those strange people who insist on reading Hansard, it makes it somewhat understandable. I wish all members, all staff and all our electorate staff a very happy and safe Christmas. I look forward to another year. I hope everyone returns safely, happy and refreshed for what will be a hard and difficult year before an election.

At 18:38 the house adjourned until Tuesday 14 February 2017 at 11:00.