House of Assembly: Thursday, December 01, 2016


Electoral (Funding, Expenditure and Disclosure) Amendment Bill

Final Stages

The Legislative Council agreed to the bill with the amendments indicated by the following schedule, to which amendments the Legislative Council desires the concurrence of the House of Assembly:

No. 1. Clause 6, page 3, lines 15 and 16—Leave out the clause

No. 2. Clause 17, page 10, line 12 [clause 17(5), inserted subsection (2a)]—

Delete 'during' and substitute 'in respect of'

No. 3. Clause 17, page 10, line 24 [clause 17(5), inserted subsection (2b)(b)]—

After 'furnished in' insert 'respect of'

Consideration in committee.

The Hon. J.R. RAU: I move:

That the Legislative Council's amendments be agreed to.

Motion carried.