House of Assembly: Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Grant Expenditure

In reply to Mr WHETSTONE (Chaffey) (3 August 2016). (Estimates Committee A)

The Hon. L.W.K. BIGNELL (Mawson—Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, Minister for Forests, Minister for Tourism, Minister for Recreation and Sport, Minister for Racing):

Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries

Minister for Forests

Minister for Tourism

Minister for Recreation and Sport

Minister for Racing

The following provides information with regards to grants of $10,000 or more for 2015-16:

Primary Industries and Regions SA (Controlled) (1)

Please note, that the question asks whether expenditures made were subject to a grant agreement, as required by Treasurer's Instruction No.15 (TI 15). Grants that have been made to other state government agencies, South Australian universities or are $10,000 or less are not required to have a grant agreement and are reflected as 'Not Applicable' in the appropriate column.

(1) Controlled–relates directly to an agency’s operational objectives and arises at its discretion and direction

Name of Grant Recipient Amount of Grant Purpose of Grant Subject to Grant Agreement (Y/N)
Food South Australia Incorporated 550,000 South Australia's Food and Wine Industries project 2015-16. Y
South Australian Wine Industry Association Incorporated 250,000 Contribution for the South Australian Wine Industry Market and Industry Development Program 2015-16. Y
Parafield Airport Ltd 450,000 Specific technical investigations, concept and site planning to prepare for the implementation of a Food Park at Parafield Airport. Y
DairySA Regional Development Program Incorporated 58,000 Collaboration between Dairy SA and Dairy Innovation Australia Limited to deliver a project that provides benefits across the value chain from milk suppliers and industry bodies through small processors and sales. Y
Naracoorte Lucindale Council 58,000 Develop collaboration across the red meat value chain to create a deeper understanding of the industry, its barriers and inefficiencies. Y
Environment Protection Authority 42,000 South Australian Murray Darling Basin Land Use Mapping project. Not Applicable
Mackillop Farm Management Group Incorporated 40,600 Establish an industry led steering committee to collaborate across the Limestone Coast cropping industry to enhance innovation and profitability through the value chain. Y
Ricca Terra Farms Pty Ltd 40,600 Develop a cluster of Riverland alternative wine grape growers, wine makers and supporting partners that are directly linked to the production of premium wines from the region that are sold both domestically and internationally. Y
Coonawarra Grape and Wine Incorporated 40,000 To optimise water use efficiency for improved wine quality in Coonawarra vineyards using remote sensing technologies. Y
Regional Development Australia—Murraylands and Riverland Incorporated 29,000 Advance the Murraylands Food Group to work in conjunction with relevant Government organisations to achieve goals that cannot be achieved as individuals. Y
South Australian Murray Irrigators Incorporated 29,000 Building productive opportunity through customised water stewardship adoption. Y
Regional Development Australia—Murraylands and Riverland Incorporated 10,000 Workforce Innovation project to review the workforce development and human resource management needs to support future Murraylands food industry growth. Y
Food South Australia Incorporated 170,000 Agribusiness Growth Program to assist small food and beverage agribusinesses by providing expert consultant business evaluation and business coaching services designed to enhance their ability to plan and manage their growth. Y
South Australian Wine Industry Association Incorporated 148,000 Agribusiness Growth Program to assist small food and beverage agribusinesses by providing expert consultant business evaluation and business coaching services designed to enhance their ability to plan and manage their growth. Y
Organic & Raw Trading Company Pty Ltd 28,000 Optimise alcohol management for raw and naturally fermented Kombucha (fermented tea) via collaboration with Australian Wine Research Institute Limited. Y
Kangaroo Island Living Honey 20,000 Increase the value of honey product and utilise the waste or by product of propolis (ie bee glue). Y
Kangaroo Island Shellfish Pty Ltd 20,000 Develop frozen pre-topped premium oysters for retail and caterers to point of commercialisation. Y
Potatoes South Australia Incorporated 20,000 Develop a new product range, transforming waste (graded out) potatoes into pure, nutritious, premium food products targeted at the paediatric, geriatric and convenience market segments. Y
The University of Adelaide 18,000 Enhance innovative management practices to achieve year round supply of premium pasture-finished cattle in the Limestone Coast region. Not Applicable
Willunga Pasta Trust 16,000 Develop effective and efficient small-scale low temperature drying equipment for a unique high value gluten free pasta in collaboration with Envirotec Group Pty Ltd and Logifish Consulting. Y
Fruit Dehydrators Australia 15,000 Development of a range of dehydrated fruit and vegetable superfood products that achieves a 5 star health rating in accordance with the Health Star Rating System. Y
Flinders Ranges Premium Grain Pty Ltd 14,000 Increase shelf life of whole grain cereals and pulse flour for export and domestic markets. Y
Natural Fractions Pty Ltd 10,000 Grant to further fractionation techniques to enable recovery of more specific natural (high value) components from essential oils. Y
Savannah Farm Pty Ltd 10,000 Savannah Stress Free Pod Systems project to design and construct a mobile meat processing unit for use by local, national and/or international producers. Y
Department of State Development 20,000 Examine the impact of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement Impact Study on the South Australian economy in terms of potential trade gains, investment effects, employment effects and overall welfare improvements for the South Australian economy. Not Applicable
AusVeg SA 15,000 To prepare a comprehensive China intelligence report which outlines the potential markets for vegetables in China. Y
Livestock SA Incorporated 100,000 Develop and implement a working, in-plant Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) hook tracking system at the Bordertown abattoir. Y
Food South Australia Incorporated 80,000 Funding to employ a Project Manager to facilitate the delivery of the Manufacturing Works, Competitive Foods Initiative. Y
Food South Australia Incorporated 70,000 2015 SA Food Industry Awards Program and business management and coaching sessions to entrants. Y
Livestock SA Incorporated 70,000 Portable Real Time Test for Detection of Sheep Lice project. Y
Agricultural Societies Council of SA Incorporated 60,000 2015-16 Young Rural Ambassador Awards and Rural Ambassador Awards, and for the Royal Agricultural Shows. Y
Livestock SA Incorporated 60,000 Improve the financial literacy of farm operators and work with key groups to deliver a course targeted at improving the financial literacy and management skills of livestock producers. Y
SA Dairyfarmers' Association Incorporated 60,000 Dairy Marketing Program to support the current consumer goodwill towards branded milk, promote continued growth in demand and develop a campaign strategy to maintain consumer awareness of the need and benefits of buying local. Y
Barossa Grape & Wine Association Incorporated 50,000 Barossa wine industry capability development program, to build capability in the Barossa wine industry using consumer and market insights that drive innovation and value creation through the chain. Y
Cherry Growers Association of South Australia 50,000 Adelaide Hills fruit growers market engagement strategy project, to develop a comprehensive strategy to engage with Vietnam to gain market access for fruit specifically from the Adelaide Hills Pest-Free Area. Y
Vinehealth Australia 50,000 Improving South Australia's capability and leadership in Biosecurity management by enhancing Vinehealth Australia's Vineyard Register through the application of leading edge technology. Y
Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure 48,000 Kangaroo Island Beverages Industry Transformation project for the promotion, distribution and sales of Kangaroo Island beverages on the Island and in the Adelaide CBD. Not Applicable
Potatoes South Australia Incorporated 25,000 Potato waste transformation project, to explore commercialisation options, conduct additional market research interstate and internationally, and establish a new business model for the pathway to market. Y
Horticulture Coalition of South Australia 20,000 Research project to identify and address any weaknesses of the Adelaide Hills and Northern Adelaide Plains Pest Free Areas and help progress South Australia's new Pest Free Areas to being ready for market access negotiations. Y
Livestock SA Incorporated 12,100 To support twenty-two South Australian students to attend the National Merino Challenge. Y
Department of State Development 10,000 Contribution towards the Kuala Lumpur Gala Dinner Event. Not Applicable
The University of Adelaide 10,000 Regional food systems grounds for sustainability project. Not Applicable
EP Shellfish 160,000 Funding to support the industry in addressing the critical shortfall of spat supply following Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome outbreak in Tasmania. Y
Sustainable Aquatic Industries Pty Ltd 160,000 Funding for the Pacific Oyster facility, upgrades and equipment following Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome outbreak in Tasmania Y
South Australian Recreational Fishing Advisory Council Incorporated 120,000 PIRSA contribution to South Australian Recreational Fishing Advisory Council (RecFish SA) for 2015-16. Y
Conservation Council SA 15,000 PIRSA contribution to the Conservation Council for 2015-16. Y
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (Queensland Government) 660,662 SA contribution to Red Imported Fire Ant Eradication Program 2015-16 Y
New South Wales Department of Industry 185,000 Supply of Sterile Queensland fruit fly pupae. Y
Department of Agriculture (Commonwealth) 169,650 SA annual contribution to the Australian Plague Locust Commission. Y
Animal Health Australia 124,230 SA annual contribution for national programs managed by Animal Health Australia. Y
Plant Health Australia 115,803 Plant Health Australia annual contribution for 2015-16. Y
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (Victoria) 35,333 SA contribution to Giant Pine Scale emergency response plan 2015-16. Y
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (Queensland Government) 28,311 SA contribution to Electric Ant Eradication Program 2015-16. Y
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (Queensland Government) 24,699 SA contribution to the management of Exotic Fruit Fly in Torres Strait. Y
Plant Health Australia 20,000 SA contribution to the operation of the National Fruit Fly Strategy Advisory Committee (as a member of that Committee). Y
New South Wales Department of Industry 19,307 SA contribution to Red Imported Fire Ant response costs 2015-16. Y
Horticulture Innovation Australia 2,181,462 Co-investment project to establish the Sterile Insect Technology (SIT) facility for Queensland fruit fly (Qfly) production at Port Augusta and SITplus three year agreement for the (Qfly) SIT factory pilot operation. Y
Dog Fence Board 509,000 State Government Agreement for $1:$1 matched payment of Dog Fence Board Levy Collections. State agreement- Dog Fence Act 1946
Dog Fence Board 400,000 To aid drought recovery in South Australia through strengthened regional pest control by upgrading dog fences in drought affected areas. Y
Department for Environment, Water and Natural Resources 250,000 To aid drought recovery in South Australia through strengthened weed and pest control. Not Applicable
Department for Environment, Water and Natural Resources 180,000 To aid drought recovery in South Australia through strengthened regional pest control. Not Applicable
Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre 50,000 PIRSA contribution to Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) as a participant organisation. Y
Animal Health Australia 45,918 PIRSA contribution to manage a number of programs aimed at enhancing animal health in Australia. Y
Vinehealth Australia 45,000 To undertake a trial of current geo-fencing software and investigating the opportunity to further trial the system in the animal sector. Y
University of Melbourne 38,000 To undertake a review of South Australia's metropolitan fruit fly trapping grid and assess for optimal trapping density and trap layout for the detection of Queensland Fruit Fly and Mediterranean Fruit Fly. Y
Department for Environment, Water and Natural Resources 35,000 Regional landscape surveillance for new weed threats and silverleaf nightshade biological control. Not Applicable
Meat & Livestock Australia Limited 20,000 Contribution payment towards Meat & Livestock Australia national project to develop new weed biological control agents. Y
The University of Adelaide 10,000 To combine the feral cat control and disease management on Kangaroo Island. Not Applicable
Rural Counsellors program for the state rural sector (various grant recipients) 245,000 Grant to support delivery of counselling services for farm businesses across the State. Y
McLaren Vale Grape Wine & Tourism 121,000 Payment for the McLaren Vale Water Plan, assisting irrigators replace mains water used for irrigation purposes, with connection to treated wastewater supply. Y
Pinery Bushfire Recovery (various grant recipients) 29,989 Grants to provide short term targeted assistance to those in the fire affected region by reimbursing clean-up and reinstatement costs to eligible primary producers. Y
South Australian River Murray Sustainability Program—Irrigation Efficiency (various grant recipients) 16,274,070 Grants to support on-farm and off-farm improvements to the efficiency of delivery and use of water by irrigation water providers and irrigators. Y
South Australian River Murray Sustainability Program—Water Purchases (various grant recipients) 11,061,500 Grants for irrigators to return water access entitlements from the South Australian River Murray Prescribed Watercourse. Y
South Australian River Murray Sustainability Program—Irrigation Industry Assistance (various grant recipients) 37,153,043 Grants for irrigation water providers and irrigators who wish to reposition their businesses to be more productive, competitive and resilient to variations in seasonal and trading conditions, and better positioned to respond to future business challenges and opportunities. Y
The University of Adelaide 134,064 Grants under the South Australian River Murray Sustainability Program—Industry-led Research Sub-Program for applied research to improve regional productivity and innovation in priority research areas. Not Applicable
South Australian River Murray Sustainability Program – Regional Development and Innovation Fund Sub-Program (various grant recipients) 3,442,193 To deliver further employment opportunities and regional economic diversification in the South Australian River Murray region. Y
The University of Adelaide 60,000 To provide scholarships to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. Not Applicable
Regional Development Australia—Yorke and Mid North Incorporated 10,000 Provide assistance to stakeholders and proponents to develop viable project proposals for the Mid North Forests Future Strategy Request for Proposal. Y
The University of Newcastle 10,000 PIRSA contribution to Cooperative Research Centre High Performance Soils project to develop an application focused on improving soil performance and productivity. Y
SA Dairyfarmers' Association Incorporated 60,000 Provide one-to-one support services to dairy farmers affected by the farm gate milk price step down. Y
Livestock SA Incorporated 275,000 Engagement of the South Australian Arid Lands Natural Resources Management Board to assist pastoralists control wild dogs in South Australia's Arid Lands region. Y
Adelaide Research and Innovation Pty Ltd 100,000 Funding for investigation into the application of drone technology to control wild dog population in South Australia's Far North. Y
McLaren Vale Grape Wine & Tourism 40,000 Funding for Sustainable Australia Winegrowing program chapter review. Y
McLaren Vale Grape Wine & Tourism 40,000 Funding for Supporting Brands: McLaren Vale—One Region—One Brand. Y
Langhorne Creek Grape and Wine Incorporated 40,000 Funding for Supporting Brands – Langhorne Creek—'Table Talk' an interactive video. Y
Clare Valley Winemakers Incorporated 31,000 Funding for Supporting Brands—Clare with Fresh Eyre: Marketing premium Clare Valley riesling with Eyre Peninsula seafood. Y
Adelaide Hills Wine Region Incorporated 40,000 Funding for Supporting Brands—to produce a documentary video highlighting the Adelaide Hills as a desirable food and wine destination and hold a food and wine event for selected media and trade. Y
Kangaroo Island Industry and Brand Alliance 40,000 Funding for Supporting Brands—Kangaroo Island delivering workshops and mentoring to build brand expertise with industry groups. Y
Kangaroo Island Industry and Brand Alliance 30,000 Funding for Supporting Brands—Kangaroo Island Social Media Alliance. Y
Barossa Trust Mark Incorporated 30,000 Funding for Supporting Brands—establishing value in the Barossa Trust Mark by building awareness and understanding. Y
Regional Development Australia—Murraylands and Riverland Incorporated 25,200 Funding for Supporting Brands—Riverland—where great ideas flow project. Y
Regional Development Australia—Yorke and Mid North Incorporated 40,000 Funding for Supporting Brands—Branding Yorke Peninsula Produce Project. Y
Regional Development Australia—Murraylands and Riverland Incorporated 10,000 Funding for Supporting Brands—Murray River, Lakes and Coorong: Building the Brand digital strategy. Y
Horticulture Coalition of SA Incorporated 26,000 Funding for Supporting Brands—Northern Adelaide Plains' regional marketing strategy project. Y
Spencer Gulf and West Coast Prawn Fisherman's Association Incorporated 34,425 Marine Stewardship Council Sustainability Certification for the Spencer Gulf prawn fishery. Y
South Australian Blue Crab Pot Fisher's Association Incorporated 15,000 Marine Stewardship Council Sustainability Certification for the South Australian Blue Crab Fishery. Y
Marine Fishers Association Incorporated 15,000 Marine Stewardship Council Sustainability Certification for South Australian garfish Fishery. Y
Southern Fishermen's Association Incorporated 14,400 Marine Stewardship Council Sustainability Certification for the Lakes & Coorong Fishery's Pipi and Finfish. Y
South Australian Oyster Research Council 25,000 Management System based on the Total Quality Certification Services International SA Oyster Growers Association Quality Health Safety & Environment Code. Y
Southern Rocklobster Limited 29,701 Implementation of the Clean Green Program across the South Australian Rock Lobster Fishing Industry. Y
Australian Southern Bluefin Tuna Industry Association Ltd 35,000 Funding for third-party independent certification of the environmental sustainability performance of tuna catching and ranching in South Australia. Y
Adelaide Research and Innovation Pty Ltd 142,700 Partner payment—Horticulture Innovation Australia project—Developing and optimising production of a male-only, temperature-sensitive-lethal, strain of Queensland Fruit Fly, B. tryoni for Sterile Insect Technique. Y
Birchip Cropping Group 29,000 Partner payment—Grains Research and Development Corporation project—Profitable crop sequencing in the low rainfall areas of South Eastern Australia. Y
Central West Farming Systems Incorporated 29,000 Partner payment—Grains Research and Development Corporation project—Profitable crop sequencing in the low rainfall areas of South Eastern Australia. Y
Charles Sturt University 142,330 Partner payment – Australian Grape and Wine Authority and Development Corporation project—Practical management of grapevine trunk diseases. Y
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) 32,349 Partner payment—Australian Grape and Wine Authority project—Managing the impacts of climate change rainfall decline on vine balance and root activity. Y
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) 59,695 Partner payment—Grains Research and Development Corporation project—Improved Management of Snails and Slugs. Y
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) 30,000 Partner payment—Grains Research and Development Corporation project—National improved molecular diagnostics for disease. Y
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) 68,297 Partner payment—South Australian Grains Industry Trust, Grains Research and Development Corporation project—Field trials to assess the efficacy of farm practices associated with Fungicide control of Rhizoctonia. Y
Curtin University 139,768 Partner payment—Australian Grape and Wine Authority project—Understanding fungicide resistance in powdery mildew, downy mildew and botrytis. Y
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (Queensland) 50,203 Partner payment—Horticulture Innovation Australia project—Specialized Pheromone and Lure Application Technology Cuelure based management of Queensland fruit fly. Y
Department of Agriculture and Food (Western Australia) 50,000 Partner payment—Grains Research and Development Corporation project—National improved molecular diagnostics for disease. Y
Department of Agriculture and Food (Western Australia) 303,716 Partner payment—Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, Grains Research and Development Corporation project—National oat breeding program. Y
Department of Agriculture and Food (Western Australia) 111,565 Partner payment—Australian Grape and Wine Authority project—Assessing clonal variability in Chardonnay and Shiraz for future climate change. Y
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (Victoria) 25,000 Partner payment—Grains Research and Development Corporation project—National improved molecular diagnostics for disease. Y
New South Wales Department of Industry 50,000 Partner payment—Grains Research and Development Corporation project—National improved molecular diagnostics for disease. Y
New South Wales Department of Industry 67,626 Partner payment – Horticulture Innovation Australia project—Specialized Pheromone and Lure Application Technology Cuelure based management of Queensland fruit fly. Y
Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) 150,000 Contribution towards project—growing a profitable, innovative and collaborative Australian Yellowtail Kingfish aquaculture industry: bringing 'white' fish to the market. Y
Heritage Seeds Pty Ltd 66,800 Partner payment—Meat and Livestock Australia project—Acid tolerate Lucerne. Y
Chile Institute of Agricultural Research (INIA) 68,034 Partner payment—Global Crop Diversity Trust project—The potential of wild crop germplasm to improve drought tolerance in alfalfa to increase food production for a growing population with less water. Y
Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture 17,324 Partner payment—Global Crop Diversity Trust project—The potential of wild crop germplasm to improve drought tolerance in alfalfa to increase food production for a growing population with less water. Y
Mallee Sustainable Farming Incorporated 34,000 Partner payment—Grains Research and Development Corporation project—Profitable crop sequencing in the low rainfall areas of South Eastern Australia. Y
Meat and Livestock Australia Limited 122,048 Partner payment—Meat and Livestock Australia project—Acid tolerant Lucerne. Y
Murdoch University 20,000 Partner payment—Pork Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) project—Optimising the time of mating in easy to manage lactation systems to improve pregnancy outcomes and weaning. Y
Papua New Guinea National Agriculture Research Institute 56,486 Partner payment—Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research project—Enhancing role of small scale feed milling in the development of the monogastric industries in Papua New Guinea. Y
New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries 16,024 Partner payment—Review of pest and disease diagnostics protocols. Y
Philippine Department of Science and Technology 52,767 Partner payment—Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research project—Action ready climate knowledge to improve disaster risk management for small holder farmers in the Philippines. Y
Philippine Institute for Development Studies 27,557 Partner payment—Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research project—Action ready climate knowledge to improve disaster risk management for small holder farmers in the Philippines. Y
Philippine Department of Agriculture 27,531 Partner payment—Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research project—Action ready climate knowledge to improve disaster risk management for small holder farmers in the Philippines. Y
Pork Cooperative Research Centre Limited 75,000 Contribution towards Essential Participants Agreement for an incorporated entity – Cooperative Research Centre for High Integrity Australian Pork. Y
The Australian Wine Research Institute 10,000 Contribution to Wine Innovation Centre facility and executive support. Y
The Australian Wine Research Institute 29,750 Partner payment—Australian Grape and Wine Authority project—Understanding fungicide resistance in powdery mildew, downy mildew and botrytis. Y
The Australian Wine Research Institute 45,000 Partner payment—Transferring Riverland food loss and industry waste into profit project. Y
The University of Adelaide 99,360 Contribution towards building and maintenance for the Piggery Research Building at the Roseworthy Campus. Not Applicable
The University of Adelaide 155,493 Contribution towards the statistics for the Australian Grains Industry, Southern Node. Not Applicable
The University of Adelaide 10,000 Contribution to Wine Innovation Centre facility and executive support. Not Applicable
The University of Adelaide 267,168 Contribution to Woolhouse library and grounds maintenance at the Waite Campus. Not Applicable
The University of Adelaide 28,000 Partner payment—Australian Grape and Wine Authority project—Cost-effective viticultural strategies to adapt to a warmer, drier climate. Not Applicable
The University of Adelaide 49,000 Partner payment—Australian Pork Ltd project—Key differences underlying top and bottom reproductive performers: analysis of management programme data. Not Applicable
The University of Adelaide 10,070 Partner payment—Australian Water Recycling Centre of Excellence project—Methods to increase the use of recycled wastewater in the irrigation industry by overcoming the constraint of soil salinity. Not Applicable
The University of Adelaide 58,710 Partner payment—Grains Research and Development Corporation project—Improving weed management in pulse crops through herbicide tolerance. Not Applicable
The University of Adelaide 10,000 Partner payment—Pork Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) project—Effects of group housing after weaning on sow welfare and sexual behaviour. Not Applicable
The University of Adelaide 500,000 PIRSA research support towards the Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics. Not Applicable
The University of Queensland 31,218 Partner payment—Pork Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) project—Development of an infrared spectroscopy online test for boar taint. Y
University of Sydney 109,843 Partner payment—Grains Research and Development Corporation project—Improved resistance to oat pathogens and abiotic stress management. Y
University of South Australia 62,407 Partner payment—South Australian Grains Industry Trust, Grains Research and Development Corporation project—Field trials to assess the efficacy of farm practices associated with Fungicide control of Rhizoctonia. Not Applicable
University of Southern Queensland 25,000 Partner payment—Grains Research and Development Corporation project—National improved molecular diagnostics for disease. Y
Upper North Farming Systems 15,000 Partner payment—Grains Research and Development Corporation project—Profitable crop sequencing in the low rainfall areas of South Eastern Australia. Y

Department of Primary Industries and Regions – administered (1)

Name of Grant Recipient Amount of Grant Purpose of Grant Subject to Grant Agreement (Y/N)
South Australian Grains Industry Trust 1,800,000 Industry levy collections returned to Industry to facilitate the sustainable development of the grain industry. Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act, 1998
Grain Producers SA Ltd. 1,200,000 Deliver a program of eligible activities benefiting contributors to the Grain Industry Fund. Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act, 1998
Riverland Wine Industry Development Council Incorporated 700,000 Facilitate the sustainable development of the regional wine industry. Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act, 1998
Barossa Grape and Wine Association Incorporated 500,000 Facilitate the sustainable development of the regional wine industry. Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act, 1998
McLaren Vale Grape Wine & Tourism 500,000 Facilitate the sustainable development of the regional wine industry. Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act, 1998
Wine Grape Council of South Australia Incorporated 420,000 Facilitate the sustainable development of the regional wine industry. Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act, 1998
Langhorne Creek Grape and Wine Incorporated 300,000 Facilitate the sustainable development of the regional wine industry. Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act, 1998
Adelaide Hills Wine Region Incorporated 265,000 Facilitate the sustainable development of the regional wine industry. Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act, 1998
Citrus Australia Ltd. 170,000 Facilitate the sustainable development of the citrus industry. Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act, 1998
Pork SA Incorporated 72,308 Facilitate the sustainable development of the pork industry. Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act, 1998
Clare Region Winegrape Growers Association Incorporated 65,000 Facilitate the sustainable development of the regional wine industry. Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act, 1998
Pork SA Incorporated 10,750 Pig Industry Fund contribution to Pork SA to convene the 2016 SA Pig Industry Day. Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act, 1998
Dr Barry Lloyd Pty Ltd 10,410 Completion of reviewing truck washing facilities and Biosecurity protocols at Big River Pork and Primo abattoirs to strengthen the Biosecurity of SA pig farms. Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act, 1998
The University of Adelaide 10,320 Project for maternal caffeine supplementation pre-farrowing: effects on stillbirths and piglet survival in a commercial setting. Not Applicable
The University of Adelaide 10,000 Control of antibiotic-resistant commensal E-coli in SA pig's project. Not Applicable
Livestock SA Incorporated 550,800 Operational costs associated with providing services to promote the interests of all SA cattle, sheep and goat producers. Y
Livestock SA Incorporated 180,000 Development of a five-year strategic plan for the South Australian sheep industry (called 'SA Sheep Industry Blueprint'). Y
Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 139,500 A co-funded program delivered by South Australian Arid Lands Natural Resources Management Board (SAAL NRM) to assist landholders to implement best-practice wild dog control methods across South Australia's pastoral districts, predominantly in areas south of the SA dog fence. Not Applicable
Plant Health Australia Limited 40,000 Implementation of the National Bee Biosecurity Program and Biosecurity Code of Practice for the South Australian apiary industry. Y
SA Dairyfarmers' Association Incorporated 40,000 To assist in the development and promotion of policies for South Australian dairy farmers at the cross commodity level (through membership of Primary Producers SA); and in the national arena. Y
The University of Adelaide 27,427 Funding to investigate eradication options for sheep lice in Cleanskin Sheep research project. Not Applicable
Mid North Young Guns Incorporated 21,770 Provide development, training and networking opportunities to help build the capacity of young sheep farmers in the Mid North region of SA. Y
SA Stud Merino Sheepbreeders' Association Incorporated 10,000 Contribution to the World Merino Insight event with a focus on information exchange and networking amongst delegates from South Australia, Australia and across the globe. Y
ForestrySA 3,709,000 Community Service Obligations Funding. Y
ForestrySA 389,000 SA Government Radio Network Funding 2015-16. Y

(1) Administered—an Agency has no discretion to alter the resources provide or determine how they are spent.

South Australian Tourism Commission

Name of Grant Recipient Amount of Grant Purpose of Grant Subject to Grant Agreement (Y/N)
Adelaide Hills Tourism Committee Inc $33,660.00 Local Contact Officer—Adelaide Hills Y
Eyre Peninsula Regional Development Board $33,660.00 Local Contact Officer—Eyre Peninsula Y
Yorke Peninsula Tourism Marketing $33,660.00 Local Contact Officer—Yorke Peninsula Y
Tourism Kangaroo Island $33,660.00 Local Contact Officer—Kangaroo Island Y
Fleurieu Peninsula Tourism $33,660.00 Local Contact Officer—Fleurieu Peninsula Y
Murraylands Tourism Partnership $33,660.00 Local Contact Officer —Murraylands Y
D'Arenberg Wines $30,800.00 Funding D'Arenberg Documentary Y
Kangaroo Island Council $11,000.00 2016 Grant KI Airport Upgrade Y
57 Films Pty Ltd $200,000.00 Chef Exchange Project Grant—China Y
South Aussie with Cosi Pty. Ltd. $44,000.00 Qingdao TV series—South Aussie with Cosi Y
Regional Development Authority—Yorke & Mid North $33,660.00 Local Contact Officer Grant Clare Valley Y
Destination Riverland $33,660.00 Local Contact Officer Riverland 15-16 Y
Flinders Ranges & Outback SA Tourism $33,660.00 Local Contact Officer Flinders Ranges & Outback SA Y
Regional Development Australia Yorke and Mid North $22,000.00 Visitor Research—Clare Burra Y
Limestone Coast Local Government Association $33,660.00 Local Contact Officer—Limestone Coast Y
The Tailor $110,000.00 Grant—South Australia Campaign USA Y
Australian Tourism Data Warehouse Pty Limited $118,124.00 ATDW online supplementary Y
Regional Development Australia Whyalla & Eyre Peninsula Incorporated $11,000.00 Far West Indigenous Tourism Strategy Y

Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure – Office of Recreation and Sport

Name of Grant Recipient Amount of Grant($) Purpose of Grant Subject to Grant Agreement (Y/N)
Football Federation South Australia 10,000,000 Artificial pitches and club facility upgrades Y
Port Pirie Regional Council 5,000,000 For Port Pirie Memorial Oval Redevelopment Y
Various sporting groups 4,152,000 Community Recreation and Sport Facilities Program (CRSFP) – For the planning, establishment and improvement of South Australian sport and recreation facilities. Y
Various sporting groups 4,066,907 Sport and Recreation Development and Inclusion Program (SRDIP—To grow and develop state-wide sport and recreation programs and projects Y
Various sporting groups 2,668,500 Sport and Recreation Sustainability Program (SRSP)To provide leadership and policy development Y
Sports Vouchers 2,511,265 The Government committed to providing up to $50 vouchers to all primary school children as a discount toward sports membership fees Y
Active Club Program (ACP) 2,350,000 For programs, equipment and minor facilities Y
Marion Council 2,000,000 For the construction of a regional level BMX facility at Majors Road, O'Halloran Hill Recreation Reserve Y
YMCA of SA 1,489,208 Operator Subsidy to YMCA for the operation and management of the Parks Community Centre. Y
YMCA Aquatic & Event Services 1,336,905 Operator Subsidy to YMCA for the operation and management of the SA Aquatic and Leisure Centre (SAALC). Y
State Facility Fund (SFF) 500,000 To maintain, develop and establish state level facilities Y
Pathway Programs 132,900 Delivery of Sport Pathway development coach education workshops Y
Modbury Bowling Club 750,000 Towards the upgrade of its facilities including the installation of synthetic grass and shade covers Y
SA water VACSWIM program 414,896 To provide primary school aged children with opportunities to develop a range of skills and positive experiences in the area of water safety, confidence and competence in the water, personal survival activities and basic aquatic emergency procedures. Y
Special Purpose Grants (SPG) 120,000 Planning, establishment and improvement of sport and recreation facilities and programs Y
Water Polo Australia 70,000 For developing and delivering High Performance & Talent Pathway Programs for Water Polo in SA Y
Sports Field Officers 52,000 For delivery of targeted services for regional clubs & associations Y
Enventive 20,000 Incentive payment to support the further marketing and promotion of Vacswim SA and actions to secure additional long term program supporters. Y
Leed Consulting 12,000 For the delivery of 'The Leadership Shadow – Champions of Change Program' to State Sporting Organisations Y