House of Assembly: Thursday, November 17, 2016


Statutes Amendment (Budget 2016) Bill

Final Stages

The Legislative Council agreed to the bill with the amendment and suggested amendments indicated by the following schedule, to which amendment and suggested amendments the Legislative Council desires the concurrence of the House of Assembly, and which suggested amendments the Legislative Council requests the House of Assembly to make to the said bill:

Schedule of the amendment made by the Legislative Council

No. 1. Clause 8, page 7, lines 21 to 25 [clause 8(2)]—Delete subclause (2)

Schedule of the suggested amendments made by the Legislative Council

No. 1. Clause 2, page 6, line 8 [clause 2(2)]—After 'Part 5,' insert 'Part 8,'

No. 2. Clause 2, page 6, line 11 [clause 2(4)]—Delete subclause (4)

No. 3. Clause 35, page 13, after line 39—

After inserted section 40D insert:

40DA—Payments to Fund

(1) Subject to this section, the Commissioner of State Taxation must pay, out of the taxation revenue collected under this Division during each financial year, an amount of $500 000 into the Gamblers Rehabilitation Fund established under the Gaming Machines Act 1992 (the Fund).

(2) The amount required to be paid into the Fund in respect of taxation revenue collected during a particular financial year is, on or after 1 January 2018, to be adjusted on 1 January of each year by multiplying the amount that would be required to be paid in accordance with subsection (1) by a proportion obtained by dividing the CPI for the September quarter of the immediately preceding year by the CPI for the September quarter, 2016, on the basis that the quotient used for the purposes of the adjustment will be calculated to 2 decimal places and that the amount obtained from the adjustment will be rounded to the nearest dollar.

(3) Regulations made under section 40G(1)(i) may require the Commissioner of State Taxation to pay amounts into the Fund in addition to the amounts required under this section.

(4) If in any financial year the revenue collected under this Division is insufficient to make the payment required by this section, the Commissioner of State Taxation is relieved of the obligation to make the payment under this section to the extent of the insufficiency.

(5) Amounts paid into the Fund under this section may be applied and dealt with as if they had been paid into the Fund under the Gaming Machines Act 1992.

(6) In this section—

CPI means the Consumer Price Index (All groups index for Adelaide) published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

No. 4. New clause, page 22, after line 17—Insert:

64A—Amendment of section 2—Interpretation

Section 2(1)—before the definition of business of primary production insert:

association includes—

(a) a group consisting of 2 or more persons (whether or not incorporated); and

(b) any person, or group of persons, holding land on trust (whether or not incorporated);

No. 5. Clause 65, page 22, lines 19 and 20 [clause 65(1)]—Delete subclause (1)

No. 6. Clause 65, page 22, line 22 [clause 65(2), inserted subparagraph (i)]—

Delete ', or that is owned on behalf of a trust,'

No. 7. Clause 65, page 22, line 27 [clause 65(2), inserted subparagraph (ii)]—

Delete ', or that is owned on behalf of a trust,'

No. 8. Clause 80, page 31, lines 4 and 5 [clause 80, inserted Schedule 2, clause 2(1)]—

Delete 'during an assessment period is liable to pay' and substitute:

of a point to point transport service during an assessment period must collect from persons using the service, and pay to the Minister,

No. 9. Clause 80, page 31, after line 6 [clause 80, inserted Schedule 2, clause 2]—After subclause (1) insert:

(1a) A levy amount required to be collected from a person using a point to point transport service is separate from, and does not form part of, the fare or consideration payable by the person for the use of that service.

No. 10. Clause 80, page 33, line 35 [clause 80, inserted Schedule 2, clause 10(1)(a)]—After 'levy' insert 'to the Minister'

No. 11. Clause 80, page 33, after line 37 [clause 80, inserted Schedule 2, clause 10(1)]—After paragraph (a) insert:

(ab) make provision in relation to the collection of the levy by a relevant provider of a point to point transport service from persons using the service; and