House of Assembly: Thursday, November 17, 2016


Royal Adelaide Hospital Site Redevelopment

Mr MARSHALL (Dunstan—Leader of the Opposition) (14:24): My question is to the Minister for the Arts. Does the minister support the proposal to establish the world-class concert hall proposed by the government's preferred proponent as part of the Royal Adelaide Hospital site redevelopment?

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: The member for Schubert is called to order.

The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee—Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Minister for Housing and Urban Development) (14:25): Goodness me, Mr Speaker, isn't it a shame that after the dreadfully failed tactics of the opposition's question time strategy for the last two days, they would seek to repeat it in reverse?

Members interjecting:

The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: No, you are not leader yet.

Ms CHAPMAN: Point of order: it has nothing to do with the question. He is now talking about the strategy in question time.

The SPEAKER: I think the minister is being provocative. I hope his provocation is delivered and over and he can now answer the substance of the question.

The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: As I said in my first answer, these discussions hidden so wilfully by the government on the front page of the Saturday Advertiser some two weeks ago did canvass the government's strategy for investigating cultural institutions. And what did that article on the front page of the Saturday Advertiser say? It talked about a process for a cultural institution and it talked about an art gallery in that article, and it also mentioned the fact that it had been proposed by the proponent for a concert hall.

Once those considerations by both the proponent and the government have been concluded—bearing in mind the government has its own processes for considering this, which has involved appointing a panel of eminent Australian arts administrators and identities to consider the appropriate location and form of a cultural institution—and once there is something to confirm, then the government will be making those plans clear.