House of Assembly: Wednesday, November 02, 2016


Nairne Intersection

Mr GOLDSWORTHY (Kavel) (15:19): The last time the house sat, I spoke about the magnificent benefit that the newly constructed and recently opened Bald Hills Road freeway interchange has brought to that part of the Adelaide Hills community. I want to talk this afternoon about another important road infrastructure project that needs attention.

I have raised this issue in the house on quite a number of occasions over the years; however, given the need and the focus on the funding required and the approval and construction of the Bald Hills Road interchange, I have not spoken about this particular issue for some time. I am referring to the major intersection in the middle of the township of Nairne, being the intersection of Woodside Road and the Old Princes Highway. That intersection carries a significant volume of traffic, particularly given the progressive residential development that the township of Nairne has experienced over the last 15 or so years, particularly the land adjacent to Woodside Road.

I have seen that area pretty much built out over the time I have been the local member. In 2002, when I first ran for parliament, I went out and campaigned there and doorknocked. There were a number of houses but, over successive terms here in parliament, that land has been pretty well consumed by housing. Obviously the population level has grown and there has been a subsequent increase in traffic volume as a result., and that impacts on the particular intersection I am raising here.

Quite a number of years ago (I think it was back in the Liberal government days), some consultants were engaged to view the issue of that intersection and the traffic congestion. As I said, over the last 15 or so years the volume of traffic has obviously increased, to the point where there is significant congestion at the intersection at certain times the day, particularly at school drop-off and pick-up times. The local primary school is situated on a road very close to that intersection, really only a few metres from what could be described as a T-junction.

The Rolls-Royce option, if you would like to call it that, that came from the consultancy was to make that intersection into a crossroad—that is, with the road that runs up to the primary school (Saleyard Road), there would have to be some property acquired, but make it into a crossroad and put a set of traffic lights at the intersection. We know that is a costly exercise and that there was significant money spent on the interchange, and I am a realist and know that you cannot have everything at once; however, it is time that the government, the Minister for Transport and the Minister for Road Safety refocused their attention on this particular intersection.

I understand that probably nine years ago the school crossing was moved from the western side of that intersection to the eastern side. The traffic engineers were of the opinion that that would assist in dealing with the congestion at the intersection and the traffic volumes coming to and from the school at drop-off and pick-up times. There are also plans to build a ring route from the school's Saleyard Road and loop back into the centre of the town, but I think that traffic will eventually come back and end up at the intersection.

I raise this issue in the house now so that the government is aware that it is alive and going, that we need to refocus our attention on it and that work needs to be done on that particular part of the road system.

Time expired.