Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Auditor-General's Report
Parliamentary Procedure
Estimates Replies
Gillman Land Sale
Mr MARSHALL (Dunstan—Leader of the Opposition) (13:37): My question was: when did John Hanlon, CEO of Renewal SA, inform the minister that this deal, which was due for settlement today, was unlikely to proceed?
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee—Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Minister for Housing and Urban Development) (13:37): I will come back with whatever that exact time was.
Members interjecting:
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: No, the leader is asking very specific questions about when advice was communicated to me. I actually understood his first question—not the supplementary, but his first question—to be about when the Chief Executive of Renewal SA advised the government. I now understand from his supplementary question that apparently he is now referring to that advice to me. I will come back to the house with an answer.
The SPEAKER: The member for Unley is warned for the second and final time and the deputy leader is warned.