House of Assembly: Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Grievance Debate

Land Sale, Port Noarlunga South

Mr PICTON (Kaurna) (15:37): Today, I presented to parliament a petition on behalf of 8,017 South Australians who are opposed to the sale by the Housing Trust Board of a 42-hectare paddock, situated on Commercial Road between Seaford Meadows, Port Noarlunga South and the Onkaparinga recreation park. This land has been owned by the Housing Trust since the 1970s and has been zoned for housing since the 1980s as part of the Seaford district development plans. It is now the last remaining section of land to be zoned in the Seaford district.

The Housing Trust Board has now offered this paddock for sale and would use the proceeds to reinvest in renewing other ageing public housing stock. While this is a very worthwhile public process, local residents have significant concerns with how the board and Renewal SA are going about this sale. There are three particular concerns that residents have: concern for the kangaroos that live there, concern for the nearby environment and concern about further development and housing in the area.

The presence of a mob of kangaroos is perhaps the most iconic element of this land. Up to 50 kangaroos live on this paddock, having migrated some years ago from the nearby recreation park. The paddock also includes a famous goat, nicknamed Gary, who lives with the kangaroo mob and, from all reports, thinks he or she is a kangaroo. Locals, visitors and tourists all enjoy seeing the kangaroos as they drive down Commercial Road. Amazingly, these kangaroos stay on the paddock, and I am aware of no known collisions with nearby motorists.

The concern for the environment includes the fact that this land is located next to the Onkaparinga River Recreation Park and a sanctuary zone of the Encounter Marine Park. Residents are concerned about what development of this land might mean, particularly in regard to the stormwater in the Onkaparinga River estuary and the potential impact upon fish species and biodiversity in the area.

The concerns for development are similar to many greenfields developments across the state, particularly those areas in outer suburbs, such as my electorate. Residents are concerned about the impact upon the local road network, local schools, policing and health services. Even though this land is private property and not accessible to the public, residents are very concerned about the removal of this open space in the region.

Local residents, including me, know that the south is a fantastic place to live, so it is no surprise that more and more people want to move there to take advantage of the great lifestyle, although these residents have concerns about further development and they need to be properly considered. As well as the parliament and the Housing Trust Board, concern is also being expressed to the City of Onkaparinga tonight by residents about this development. Council was consulted about this land before it was released for sale, and council has this section of land in its Onkaparinga Development Plan zoned for housing and has not indicated that it wishes to seek to amend that housing.

Residents have already had one win, with Renewal SA and the Housing Trust Board agreeing to undertake a study into the population of the kangaroos, including the population size, movements and ability for the recreation park to house the mob, and for the board to consider this report prior to deciding upon the sale of the land. Residents have also succeeded in having Renewal SA committing to at least a five-hectare buffer zone between the recreation park and houses.

These points were made to a meeting between residents and Renewal SA last night. However, residents continue to campaign that the land not be sold by the Housing Trust Board as evidenced by today's petition. There has been a strong community campaign led by the Port Noarlunga South residents group, many of whom are here today. Residents have given hundreds of hours of their time to work on this issue and to collect signatures for today's petition. It is always great to see such passion being displayed for our community.

As the local member, I have been happy to support them and to raise their concerns with Renewal SA, ministers and the parliament, particularly as a first step, to extend the environmental study of the kangaroo population and to also consider the impact on the Onkaparinga River, and, secondly, to properly consult with the local community, including answering the many questions that residents have.

I will be writing, again, to Renewal SA and to the members of the Housing Trust Board to draw their attention to this petition, the speech, the ongoing concerns of residents and, again, the lack of consultation and environmental study concerns. I hope they listen and act in regard to these concerns about this land.