House of Assembly: Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Disability SA

The Hon. L.A. VLAHOS (Taylor—Minister for Disabilities, Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse) (14:25): I seek leave to make a ministerial statement.

Leave granted.

The Hon. L.A. VLAHOS: The Department for Communities and Social Inclusion has been conducting an ongoing investigation into the level and appropriateness of services provided to Disability SA clients via disability service provider, Caring Choice. I have been advised that this investigation has been looking into concerns about the billing practices of this organisation and other activities that may not have aligned with their agreement. I have therefore been advised that yesterday DCSI issued a notice of termination to the master agreement between the department and Caring Choice, which will take effect on Monday 24 October.

As a consequence of the termination, it is likely that Caring Choice will be unable to provide services through the National Disability Insurance Scheme at this time. I am further advised that there has been ongoing monitoring and review of the safety and wellbeing of Disability SA clients. As Minister for Disabilities, providing quality care to all South Australians with a disability is my number one concern, and I therefore have asked DCSI to investigate whether care has been compromised in this instance.

Over the past few months, DCSI has been transitioning all Disability SA clients to other providers, and I am advised that this process is now complete. DCSI also advises that they have appropriately disclosed to other relevant organisations that the master agreement with Caring Choice has been terminated. The decision by the department to transition clients has not been taken lightly. I am advised that some Caring Choice workers have also transitioned to other organisations to ensure continuity of care.

As a result of the investigations and comments made by the Auditor-General, I am advised that the new incident management unit at DCSI, headed by the Chief Executive, Tony Harrison, has put measures in place to strengthen internal audit controls in the department and has established a new critical investigation unit to investigate matters such as this. Upon advice, I am unable to make further comment about this ongoing investigation.