Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Ministerial Statement
Grievance Debate
Answers to Questions
Estimates Replies
Youth Participation
In reply to Ms SANDERSON (Adelaide) (28 July 2015). (Estimates Committee B)
The Hon. Z.L. BETTISON (Ramsay—Minister for Communities and Social Inclusion, Minister for Social Housing, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for Ageing, Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Minister for Youth, Minister for Volunteers): I have been advised:
1. The actual number of young people engaged throughout 2014-15 was 1,200, as part of National Youth Week. This was reported under the performance indicator Number of young people involved in government and community decision making processeson page 129. This does not include the 366 young people involved in the leap program which is reported under the performance indicator No. of young people who participate in youth development programs.
As part of the Government's new youth strategy, It Starts with YOUth, the Office for Youth is leading work on a new model of youth engagement that will enable young people to engage in decisions that affect them. This includes the YourSAy website, other social media platforms and Youth Forums held during Country Cabinet and Metro Cabinet.