House of Assembly: Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Estimates Replies

Public Sector Employment

In reply to Mr GARDNER (Morialta) (17 July 2014). (First Session) (Estimates Committee A)

The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL (Cheltenham—Premier):

Positions with a TEC of $141,500 or more abolished and created—Department of the Premier and Cabinet—for the following portfolios:



Minister for Industrial Relations

Minister for State Development

Minister for Small Business

Minister for Public Sector

Between 30 June 2013 and 30 June 2014:

Department/Agency Position Title TEC Cost Minister
DPC Director, State Services Branch $194,109 Premier
DPC Director, Corporate Human Resources $183,438 Premier
DPC Director, Invest SA $235,883 Premier
DPC Director, Invest SA $235,883 Premier
DPC Director, Office of the Economic Development Board $181,770 Premier
DPC Director, Strategic Interventions $186,823 Minister for Industrial Relations
DPC Executive Director, Economic Analysis $228,191 Premier
DPC Director, Economic Analysis $168,452 Premier
DPC Executive Director, Strategic Engagement and Communications $205,000 Premier
DPC Director, State Development Projects $173,059 Premier
DPC Director, Information and Communication Technology $225,182 Premier
DPC Director, Finance $152,974 Premier
DPC Director, State and Administrative Services $194,109 Premier
DPC Director, Human Resources $152,974 Premier
DPC Director, ICT Reform $188,996 Minister for the Public Sector

The above listed positions were created from existing funding sources.

Only positions where the total remuneration package value exceeds $141,500 per annum, which is the base executive remuneration level, have been included.