House of Assembly: Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Gillman Land Sale

Ms CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (14:27): A question for the Treasurer: does the Treasurer agree with the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption's finding that the eventual appointment of the probity advisers amounted to an attempt to ensure that it would be perceived that the URA had conducted itself appropriately in the process, but no more?

The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL (Cheltenham—Premier) (14:27): We've already indicated we accept all of the findings, good and bad, that have been made by Commissioner Lander. So, of course we accept all the findings. We've made that known publicly; that's the position of the government in relation to the findings. We have taken them seriously, and we are seeking to respond to the criticisms. But those opposite should also acknowledge those elements of the report which are beneficial to the government and which do not amount to criticisms of either the minister or myself.

The member asked the question seeking to cast some blame or criticism on the Treasurer or, indeed, myself, but that goes further than the findings that were made by the commissioner. I understand why the opposition would want to conduct its own inquiry and make its own findings, but, fortunately, we are relying upon an independent commissioner who is well respected, and if he hasn't chosen to make those criticisms of the Treasurer, I don't think it's really within the province of the deputy leader to add her own gloss, if you like, on the report.