House of Assembly: Thursday, September 10, 2015


Answers to Questions

Emergency Services Levy

In reply to Mr MARSHALL (Dunstan—Leader of the Opposition) (17 September 2014). (First Session)

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens—Treasurer, Minister for Finance, Minister for State Development, Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy, Minister for Small Business):

The Department of Treasury and Finance advises pensioners and concession card holders who receive the family tax benefit may be eligible for an ESL remission on their principal place of residence provided they also satisfy the criteria outlined in Regulation 6 of the Emergency Services Funding (Remissions–Land) Regulations 2014 including meeting one of the entitlement categories outlined in 6(5). However, it is not the case that receiving a family tax benefit automatically qualifies the recipient of the family tax benefit for an ESL remission.