Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
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Question Time
China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
Mr WHETSTONE (Chaffey) (14:26): Sir, I am not the deputy leader. Supplementary: Premier, have you or any of your South Australian ministers made representations to the federal Labor government or to the Coalition to explain the impact of the decision to oppose the free trade agreement before it was signed?
The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL (Cheltenham—Premier) (14:26): It is a decision of the federal government. The federal government has entered into this agreement; I do not think the federal opposition have any role in it, frankly. But, in the position—
Members interjecting:
The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL: Well, they are for these purposes, and our attitude is that we support the agreement. We will insist on standards, having regard to our own regulatory system. We will defend local jobs, there is no doubt about that, but we are very much open for business and for inbound investment from the country of China.
I think the Chinese government know that they have a friend in South Australia. They place a high value on the sister-state relationship that South Australia enjoys with Shandong Province. Indeed, it has won national awards in China as representing a relationship which is of the highest quality, and it is because it not simply based on dollars and cents. It is based on a deep cultural understanding which privileges friendship ahead of commerce, and I think that has been the secret of our success. I think they were greatly honoured by being the focus region for the OzAsia Festival—the nation's pre-eminent Asian cultural festival—and every time we lift the ambition in our relationship with Shandong Province, they reciprocate.
After the last election I was there within weeks, meeting with the new Governor of Shandong Province. He congratulated me on my electoral victory and I did mention to him it was a rather narrow victory. He said, 'How many people voted?' and I said, 'A million,' and he said, 'Well why don't I send a million people over next time?' It does demonstrate that we have a very close relationship. I think that might run into some logistical difficulties, but I am certainly prepared to enter into discussions with him about that matter.
The SPEAKER: The member for Adelaide is warned for the second and final time. Member for Chaffey.