House of Assembly: Thursday, February 26, 2015


South Australian Film Industry

The Hon. S.W. KEY (Ashford) (14:45): My question is directed to the Minister for the Arts. Minister, how is the South Australian screen production industry contributing artistically and economically to the state?

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING (Playford—Minister for Health, Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Minister for the Arts, Minister for Health Industries) (14:46): I am very pleased to have my second question today as Minister for the Arts and I thank the member for Ashford for her interest in film. Every South Australian should be proud of the outcomes of our local screen production industry. Despite concerns from some pockets of the media, the screen industry in South Australia is going from strength to strength, with local drama production increasing nearly 50 per cent, to be valued at $73 million in the last financial year.

But it is not just about economic success. South Australian screen production is also receiving artistic commendation, scooping the pool at the recent Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts Awards.

Mr KNOLL: Point of order, Mr Speaker.

The SPEAKER: Point of order.

Mr KNOLL: 'SA scoops four AACTA awards at the 4th AACTA awards luncheon'. There is a press release by the minister on 29 February.

The SPEAKER: Could the member for Schubert email it to me and I will check it against the minister's delivery?

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING: Of the seven films nominated for best feature film, four were made here in South Australia. Over the parliamentary break I was able to watch The Babadook. This psychological thriller, which is still giving me nightmares, received international acclaim. Fortunately, I had my daughters there and they were able to hold my hand during the more terrifying bits.

An honourable member interjecting:

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING: I certainly don't have nightmares about you, mate. I was pleased to see it tie with Russell Crowe's locally filmed The Water Diviner for best feature film. The Babadook also picked up best direction and best original screenplay. Other productions to win awards included ABC drama ANZAC Girls, Sons and Mothers, The Rover and the amazing David Gulpilil who won best lead actor, as the member for Schubert says, for Charlie's Country.

The superb facilities at the Adelaide Studios played a key role in attracting and generating this diverse range of award-winning productions. I had the privilege of touring—

The SPEAKER: Is the minister going to tell us about The Water Diviner?

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING: No, sir. I had the privilege of touring the studios recently and I must say I was particularly impressed with the sound studio—

Mr Pisoni interjecting:

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING: Was that the member for Unley talking about frightening children? The sound studio was so state of the art that, as I understand it, when Charlie's Country was shown at the Cannes Film Festival, they had to upgrade the cinema to do its soundtrack justice.

None of this would have been possible without the hard work of Richard Harris who, after seven years as chief executive of the Film Corporation, has left us to take on the role of Head of Business and Audience with Screen Australia. Richard led a huge transformation of our film industry. Our loss is Screen Australia's gain and I would like to place on the record my thanks for his dedication to this industry and my best wishes for his future endeavours. I was pleased to meet his successor, Annabelle Sheehan, recently. Annabelle brings a great wealth of industry knowledge to the role and I look forward to seeing her continue Richard's success.

I would like to finish by assuring the industry that, despite federal government cuts to local ABC production and to Screen Australia, the South Australian government is proud of our screen industry and values the cultural and economic benefits it brings to this state.

The SPEAKER: I cannot uphold the member for Schubert's point of order, but he still provides a valuable service to the house. The member for Napier.