House of Assembly: Thursday, December 04, 2014


Playford Alive Local Heroes Awards

Mr GEE (Napier) (16:21): I rise today to speak about Playford Alive and the Local Heroes Awards which I attended last week. The Playford Alive project covers the areas of Davoren Park, Munno Para and Smithfield Plains in my electorate, and Andrews Farm and Penfield in the member for Taylor's electorate.

The project is delivering new and redeveloped homes to the local community, plus many jobs. Over the last year, a mix of fast-food outlets, a service station, childcare centre and gym have arrived in Munno Para. Next year we will see a new Woolworths supermarket and specialty shops, a church, new offices, restaurants, the Stretton Centre and the Playford Town Park. Playford Alive has always been much more than bricks and mortar. It is about the long-term economic and social sustainability of the Playford Alive area and the reinvigoration of the Peachey Belt community.

The Playford Alive Local Heroes Awards last week celebrated a small amount of the great work that local people and organisations contribute to our community through never-ending hard work and the selfless donation of their time to help others.

The night saw 17 awards presented across three categories: three Mayor's Youth awards, three Governor's awards and 10 Playford Alive awards, plus the minister's scholarship. The organisations to win awards included the Playford Aquatic Club and Habitat for Humanity. The Playford Aquatic Club won for the third consecutive year for their contribution to the Playford Alive community. Habitat for Humanity is an organisation that I have previously spoken about in this place. It does excellent work assisting people in my electorate to gain jobs and their own homes.

I will speak in detail about four individuals who won awards. Tim Wegner won the Best Learning to Employment Outcome Award. Tim was nominated by Mark Oliphant College. Tim left school at 16 to complete some short courses before re-engaging with school. Tim battled a range of personal issues but stayed focused on his goal of full-time employment. Tim completed a number of technical courses and is now completing a three-year fabrication apprenticeship.

Amy Everitt won the Best Work Experience Placement Award. She was nominated by Para West Adult Campus. Amy suffers from severe anxiety which interfered with her mainstream schooling. The Community Learning Centre at Para West enabled Amy to realise her goal of achieving her SACE career in child care. Working towards this, she completed the compulsory stage I subjects, her stage 2 research project and a certificate III in childcare. Amy organised work experience with four different employers who all said they would have employed her if she had full qualifications.

Dennis Jarmyn won the Playford Alive Achievement Award for Service to the Community. Dennis is a legend in the Playford area. He has headed the Playford Community Fund for more than 10 years. The fund provides food, furniture and financial support to disadvantaged families and victims of domestic violence across the Playford area. The commitment Dennis gives to the community and the passion he has for the north is unwavering.

Jacob Desmond won the Mayor's Youth Award, Positive Playford. Jacob is a star of the future. A swimmer with the Playford Aquatic Club, the 14 year old took out gold in the 100 metre backstroke and bronze in the 200 metre backstroke at the Australian Age Championships in Sydney earlier this year. Jacob is an affable young lad who is striving for the Australian team and, ultimately, the 2018 Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast.

Other award winners include the Elizabeth Riders Committee. This committee helps young people develop their skills on scooters, skateboards and bikes. David and Narelle Warner, Laura Brenton, Amber MacDonald, Lliam Rodger, Joseph Petrizza, Ian Storay, T & J Constructions Pty Ltd, Tickets2Trade Civil Live Works Program and Christine Jacques-Dooland also were presented with awards on the night.

I will lastly speak about Laurie Partridge, who took out the Inspire Playford Award and the minister's scholarship, which will see her receive $3,000 towards her future studies. Laurie is a young Aboriginal woman with two young children. She was nominated by Anglicare and is completing her SACE at Para West Adult Campus. She has undertaken certificates in hospitality and security operations to gain casual employment. Laurie has encouraged her two younger brothers to follow her path back into education and is a participant in the HIPPY program to ensure a bright future for her children.