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Criminal Law Consolidation (Sexual Offences - Cognitive Impairment) Amendment Bill
Final Stages
The Legislative Council agreed to the bill with the amendment indicated by the following schedule, to which amendment the Legislative Council desires the concurrence of the House of Assembly:
No 1 Clause 4, page 3, line 29 [Clause 4, inserted section 51(5), definition of cognitive impairment, (e)]—
Delete paragraph (e) and substitute:
(e) mental impairment;
Consideration in committee.
The Hon. J.R. RAU: I move:
That the Legislative Council's amendment be agreed to.
I want to indicate that the government will be accepting the bill as amended. Can I also thank members in the other place, particularly the Hon. Kelly Vincent, whose contribution in this matter has been very helpful and greatly appreciated.
Ms CHAPMAN: The opposition joins in indicating its appreciation of the government in accepting the amendment and looks forward to the final passage of the bill.
Motion carried.