Personal Explanation
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Parliamentary Committees
Grievance Debate
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Adjournment Debate
Personal Explanation
Commissioner for Children and Young People Bill
The Hon. P. CAICA (Colton) (11:24): I seek leave to make a personal explanation.
Leave granted.
The Hon. P. CAICA: Thank you very much.
Members interjecting:
The DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! Will members please move to their seats and keep the noise down.
The Hon. P. CAICA: On 25 September, when speaking to the bill we have just voted on (Commissioner for Children and Young People Bill), I informed the house of what was my understanding at the time, that Queensland was the last jurisdiction to have investigative powers for its commissioner. I have since learnt that it still has those powers but that it is in the process of getting rid of them. I apologise for that mistake.