House of Assembly: Wednesday, July 02, 2014


Regional Development Fund

Mr GRIFFITHS (Goyder) (14:45): Minister, I am wondering then in regard to that same major projects fund whether you can actually detail from your point of view the number of jobs you expect to be either retained or created each year from that fund?

The Hon. G.G. BROCK (Frome—Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Local Government) (14:45): To the member for Goyder, I thank him for the question. The expressions of interest have not come in at this particular point. There will be as many—

An honourable member interjecting:

The Hon. G.G. BROCK: Sorry, I have not seen the expressions of interest. However, once they have been analysed, each one will be dealt with on its merits and when the number of jobs that could be created from that is known, I am very happy to announce that in this house.

The SPEAKER: Third and final supplementary.