Personal Explanation
Parliamentary Committees
Personal Explanation
Parliamentary Committees
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Address in Reply
Parliamentary Procedure
Gillman Land Sale
Ms CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (15:04): May I have a further supplementary?
The SPEAKER: Further supplementary.
Ms CHAPMAN: When Mr Fred Hansen gave his evidence and stated that, in July and August 2013, 'a series of discussions occurred that were really outlining what would need to be in a proposal to even be able to be considered by government', was the state government following its own unsolicited proposals policy?
The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL (Cheltenham—Premier) (15:05): I will take that question on notice and bring back an answer to the house but, just so you are aware of what the process was, we had the head of the EDB who was warranting the importance of this project as a significant project concerning the future economic development of this state. He brought that proposition to me with the proponent and then the matter was sent off to the relevant agency and the relevant minister who, I understood, undertook the investigations consistent with all of the relevant protocols.
That is my present advice and I have no reason to doubt it. Then it was presented to cabinet and the cabinet decision was made to give this company the option so that they could go away and spend very considerable amounts of money before they could put themselves in a position to actually commit to this arrangement. That is all that's happened, and I am sure you will spend the next few months pursuing, essentially, this false alley.
Just like the member for Unley led you up a false path in relation to the Church of Scientology, and just like the member for Unley led you up a false path in relation to your attacks on me in relation to the Debelle inquiry, you will waste more time and effort and you will continue to bog yourself down without addressing the real issues that confront this state, which are about creating jobs. Why do you think we would be actually pursuing this with as much vigour as we are if it was not directed solely and entirely about developing this state so that we can create jobs so that our kids can have a future?
The Hon. A. Koutsantonis interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Before the next question, I remind the Treasurer that he is on two warnings. Deputy leader.