House of Assembly: Tuesday, November 26, 2013



Mr MARSHALL (Norwood—Leader of the Opposition) (14:40): Can the Treasurer provide any indication of what the additional cost will be to the people of South Australia?

The SPEAKER: A very open-ended question. Treasurer.

The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL (Cheltenham—Premier, Treasurer, Minister for State Development, Minister for the Public Sector, Minister for the Arts) (14:40): Well, there is a report that we released when we announced this car parking levy and there are benefits, not just costs; there are benefits associated with this arrangement. The benefits are the investment in very substantial upgrades to the public transport infrastructure, in particular investing in Paradise—

Members interjecting:

The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL: No, you asked about costs. I say that they need to be balanced with benefits. Paradise, Mount Barker and Clovelly Park will be the first locations to be funded from the levy, and indeed that will save people money. It won't cost them money, it will save people money as they park in those park-and-rides and take the trams or public transport into the city. So, commuters will be encouraged to use other forms of transport. I know that the Leader of the Opposition and the Liberal Party would like South Australia to remain a sleepy country town, but we have ambitions for it to be a thriving, vibrant metropolis, and for that you need—

Mrs REDMOND: Point of order, Mr Speaker.

The SPEAKER: Point of order, member for Heysen.

Mrs REDMOND: I think the Premier has entered into debate.

The SPEAKER: Yes, I think the Premier has entered into debate, but before any further supplementary, I warn the member for West Torrens for the second and final time.