House of Assembly: Tuesday, June 18, 2013



The Hon. J.D. HILL (Kaurna) (15:12): My question is to the Minister for Small Business. What government assistance is available to the Office of the Industry Advocate?

The Hon. T.R. KENYON (Newland—Minister for Manufacturing, Innovation and Trade, Minister for Small Business) (15:12): I thank the member for Kaurna for his question. Members will recall that I recently updated the parliament on how we have already seen examples where the Industry Participation Advocate's early involvement has resulted in positive outcomes for local businesses. The office has been advocating for RPC pipe systems with regard to the Port Wakefield pipeline project, and the advocacy has delivered benefits to that firm, which has 80 skilled employees at Lonsdale.

I am pleased to now inform the house that this state government's newly created independent Industry Participation Advocate has been given a further funding boost of $440,000 over the next two years to help local businesses win more government contracts. This funding has been allocated for specific initiatives to assist the Industry Participation Advocate in his task of aiding small businesses by reviewing past practices and identifying opportunities to increase local participation in government contracts.

South Australia has a diverse range of small and medium-sized enterprises which are developing innovative solutions for the problems which government agencies are facing, but it is often difficult for government buyers to know about all of these new developments in the markets that they buy in. This is why this government is funding a series of Connecting with Business events planned for later this year, aimed at bringing together local businesses and senior government project and contract managers.

These sessions will highlight the capabilities of local businesses to help access and secure contracts with state government agencies. This will raise the awareness of agency procurement staff about who is in the market and what products or services exist that they may match to their needs. These sessions will also provide opportunities for government representatives to provide feedback to companies about their business, products and services, and how they can better sell themselves in future tenders.

Each Connecting with Business event will include: presentations from government buyers about procurement process; what they are seeking from suppliers and upcoming opportunities; buyer stands where local suppliers can speak directly to purchasers; presentations from companies who have been successful in winning government contracts; information about procurement approaches and trends; and opportunities to network with other companies with a view to forming joint ventures or identifying subcontracting opportunities.

Funding has also been directed at allowing the advocate to help government agencies to simplify their procurement processes and cut the costs incurred by businesses when applying for government work. I encourage all members of the house to take the opportunity to refer matters of this nature to that office. The general office email address is and the phone number is 8226 8956.