House of Assembly: Tuesday, June 18, 2013



Ms THOMPSON (Reynell) (15:02): My question is to the Minister for Correctional Services. Can the minister update the house on how the state government is investing in our correctional services?

The Hon. M.F. O'BRIEN (Napier—Minister for Finance, Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety) (15:02): Over the next four years, the South Australian Labor government will invest a total of $67 million to increase prison bed numbers and assist in the operation of our state's expanding prisons. Included in this is $2.9 million over four years to establish and operate a bail accommodation support program, whereby short-term accommodation will be provided for low-risk alleged offenders of nonviolent crimes on bail to ease pressure on the state's prisons. This program will provide an alternative to remanding low-risk alleged offenders who are put in prison because they are from remote areas, do not have suitable bail accommodation or are homeless.

From 2015-16, this program will allow approximately 30 alleged offenders to maintain links with family, employment, education and commonwealth support services, all the while remaining under the supervision of the Department for Correctional Services. As the alleged offenders will no longer be kept in custody at the Adelaide Remand Centre or Yatala Labour Prison, it is expected that hundreds of prison beds could be made available over a 12-month period.

The $67 million funding commitment will also bolster the operation of three of the state's expanded prisons, with the government providing $25.4 million for the expanded Mount Gambier Prison, $6.3 million for the expanded Adelaide Women's Prison and $6.2 million for the expanded Port Lincoln Prison. The $25.4 million provided over three years for the Mount Gambier Prison will be allocated for the construction of a 60-bed, low-medium security accommodation unit.

This new unit is in addition to the construction of a 108-bed accommodation unit, which is scheduled for completion in June, and a 20-bed accommodation unit at the Adelaide Women's Prison, scheduled to be finished in November. The expansion of the Mount Gambier Prison is providing extra jobs in the region, including a number of long-term secure positions, which will further assist with regional employment. These investments will ensure that the state's expanded prisons are adequately staffed, safe and secure.

The SPEAKER: A supplementary from the member for Fisher.