House of Assembly: Tuesday, June 04, 2013



The Hon. L.R. BREUER (Giles) (14:47): My question is to the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy. Can the minister inform the house about how the Premier's recent trade mission to China has helped to foster investment in the state?

Mr Pengilly: Stick to the script, Tom.

The SPEAKER: Minister for Transport—and the member for Finniss, alas, is warned a first time.

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens—Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy, Minister for Housing and Urban Development) (14:47): Are you here today? I didn't notice.

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Could the minister return to the substance of the question.

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: I thank the member for her question and her keen interest in South Australia's resources industry—a great advocate of that industry. I am pleased to inform the house that the state resources sector continues to provide opportunities for our towns, cities and communities. From 2002 we have seen this sector transform, a transformation that has been driven through the hard work of local industry, a diligent Public Service and the supportive policies of this government.

Today we hear the news that one of our next major projects is taking a giant leap forward from discovery to development. I am pleased to see that Rex Minerals has announced that it has signed a non-binding EPC and financing memorandum of understanding with China Nonferrous Metal Industry's Foreign Engineering and Construction Co. and its Australian-based subcontractor. Managing director Mr Mark Parry said:

We are extremely pleased to start what we consider to be a long-term relationship with NFC from China. NFC is a major, highly experienced construction company with a history of successfully building processing plants around the globe.

We believe NFC's experience and the link with an Australian construction company in Arccon, will be an important formula for success as we advance the Hillside Project towards production.

Rex Minerals is currently undertaking a prefeasibility study for a large open-cut copper mine at Hillside with infrastructure links to Ardrossan and is working with DMITRE to progress towards a mining lease application. Historically, Rex's exploration approach has been highly professional, with excellent environmental rehabilitation practices and good relationships with the majority of landholders impacted by the exploration program.

I am also pleased to inform the house that Mr Parry has confirmed to me that the Premier's recent trade mission to China was pivotal in developing this deal. He said, in particular, that meetings that we attended with him showed the investors that Rex's Hillside project had the full support of the South Australian government. Indeed, in those meetings I expressed bipartisan support for this project. The member for Goyder has been a passionate advocate for this mine, and for sustainable farming to coexist with this mine, and he has been a great advocate for the local farmers as well. I also welcome the support of the new shadow minister.

This highlights the importance of the state government's role in promoting our local companies and fostering investment in this state. This government and Rex Minerals recognise the importance of the government's partnering with the industry to foster development and forge partnerships, especially with our largest trading partner, the People's Republic of China.