Parliamentary Procedure
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Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Ministerial Statement
Grievance Debate
Ms CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (14:36): What is the estimated cost, minister, of the property acquisition for this project?
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens—Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy, Minister for Housing and Urban Development) (14:36): Because the government is an understanding government and a government that is not going to run around telling people what we are going to buy their houses for—we are going through a process—I am not going to stand in the parliament today and predetermine what everyone's home is worth. We are going to get them valued—
Members interjecting:
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: Hang on a second—we are going to get them valued and once they are valued and we come to an agreement, a mutual agreement, with the people who own these homes—these are their homes, they are not just numbers; they are people who live here in the western suburbs; you might try visiting them sometimes—we are going to be very sensitive about this.
Ms CHAPMAN: Mr Speaker, point of order. To accuse you, sir, of not visiting the western suburbs when you represent them I think is reprehensible and I would ask the minister to withdraw it.
The SPEAKER: The Minister for Transport will be careful with his choice of words.
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: Yes, sir. We will do this in a considered way. I want to make sure that everyone who is having their properties acquired by the government leaves without a bitter taste in their mouth. In terms of calculating the cost, I am not going to predetermine what someone's home is worth; that is up to independent experts who will determine the value, not me.