House of Assembly: Wednesday, May 15, 2013



Mr PISONI (Unley) (14:58): Supplementary, sir. Can the minister confirm if students were in the classroom when the whiteboards were installed?

The SPEAKER: That is not a supplementary but I will grant it as another question. Minister for Education.

The Hon. J.M. RANKINE (Wright—Minister for Education and Child Development, Minister for Multicultural Affairs) (14:58): We have identified, as I understand it, the students and the teachers who were in the rooms the day the whiteboards were installed, and they are the parents that we were attempting to notify prior to the member for Unley's doing a dash for a headline and putting out that information that caused great concern. It would be really nice to see, on one occasion, the member for Unley having concern about children rather than his own publicity.

Mr PISONI: Point of order, sir. I believe that is debate.

The SPEAKER: Yes, I think it is.

Mr PISONI: I have a supplementary, sir.

The SPEAKER: I hope it is a bit more supplementary than the last one.