Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Committees
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
The Hon. I.F. EVANS (Davenport) (14:26): My question is to the Premier. How much of the state's contribution to the South Road and Port Road upgrade will be paid next year, given that none of the federal contribution recently announced will be paid in that year?
The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL (Cheltenham—Premier, Treasurer, Minister for State Development, Minister for the Public Sector, Minister for the Arts) (14:26): I thank the honourable member for his question. All those matters will be revealed in the state budget. It is only a few weeks to wait. We are proud of the fact that we have chosen a priority project that has a 2.4 cost-benefit analysis rating, which means that for every dollar we invest we get $2.40 of benefit.
I think it is an excellent project, which reflects our commitment to high quality infrastructure that not only provides jobs now but that will also yield long-term benefits for the South Australian community, reducing travel times and congestion. It is another piece in the jigsaw puzzle of a continuous freight network in that most important corridor across South Australia.
A lot of very good work has been done by public servants working closely to analyse the right solution. It is a difficult area to get through, as are other parts of South Road, because of existing residential communities and businesses and very narrow roads. Obviously, an intelligent solution that has had some community consultation has been arrived at, and there is now a more detailed phase of community consultation that will be necessary to land on the final arrangements.
Some of the money will not be expended until we have arrived at a final solution. There are a few choices to be made about different elements of the project. I know that you, Mr Speaker, will be vitally interested in your constituents having an opportunity to express their opinion about precisely how this project will be configured.