House of Assembly: Tuesday, May 14, 2013



Mr HAMILTON-SMITH (Waite) (15:08): Supplementary question, again to the Premier. Given his answer, is he confident that the agreement will result in a minimum jobs guarantee and the retention of Holden in Adelaide and, in particular, will the agreement go to the parliament's Industry Development Committee before it is signed off?

The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL (Cheltenham—Premier, Treasurer, Minister for State Development, Minister for the Public Sector, Minister for the Arts) (15:09): I thank the honourable member for his question. We already have a minimum jobs guarantee; that is the nature of the agreement we reached with Holden. What has occurred, in our view, is a breach. How that breach will be remedied is something that's the subject of negotiation, so I can't tell the house where that ultimately will land except to say that at the front of our mind we will be wanting to secure the $1 billion worth of investment from Holden to make sure that there is a future, remembering that what this does is secure Holden between 2016 in 2022 in a way which allows us to transition a car manufacturing industry—a vital industry for the future of our state.

We've been very open about the fact that it will be a smaller industry but, hopefully, a more secure one because we will have found a place for Holden in the global car manufacturing world. That's the work that has to occur over these next 10 or so years. In relation to the second part of the shadow minister's question, we'll do better than taking it to a committee of parliament: we'll bring it to the parliament, just as we did with the original arrangement. That's appropriate for an issue of this significance.