House of Assembly: Thursday, March 21, 2013



Mrs VLAHOS (Taylor) (14:44): My question is to the Minister for Defence Industries. Can the minister tell the house about the support provided to the South Australian defence industry by the Defence Teaming Centre?

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING (Playford—Minister for Health and Ageing, Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Minister for Defence Industries, Minister for Veterans' Affairs) (14:15): I thank the member for Taylor. The Defence Teaming Centre is the peak defence industry body in South Australia. Founded in 1996 as an incorporated not-for-profit association with 24 member companies, the DTC has grown to a membership of more than 250 companies that employ in excess of 17,000 workers in South Australia.

In partnership with the state government and Defence SA, the DTC has supported and developed the state's defence industry, which now services a 25 per cent share of the nation's defence industry, to the extent that South Australia is recognised nationally and internationally as Australia's defence state.

South Australia is unique in having an association like the Defence Teaming Centre, and in the 16 years since they started they have worked with countless companies to bid on defence contracts for this state. It is therefore important that the government supports the important work that the centre does.

Later today, the member for Taylor and, I understand, the member for Waite, will join the Governor, His Excellency Rear Admiral Kevin Scarce, and representatives of member organisations of the Defence Teaming Centre at a ribbon-cutting ceremony and a tour of the DTC's new facilities at Technology Park at Mawson Lakes.

The Defence Teaming Centre, so ably led by its chief executive officer, decorated Australian Army veteran Mr Chris Burns CSC, provides a strong industry voice on long-term strategic issues, such as industry policy and market development, and plays a lead role in driving the critical issue of workforce development across the sector. I look forward to continuing working with the DTC in the best interests of defence industries.