Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Mr PEGLER (Mount Gambier) (14:38): My question is to the Minister for Small Business. Can the minister inform the house about how the state government is assisting local business in regional South Australia?
The Hon. T.R. KENYON (Newland—Minister for Manufacturing, Innovation and Trade, Minister for Small Business) (14:38): We the government want to see remote and regional businesses learn to embrace the latest business technology to improve their competitiveness, and the regional development agency network is integral to delivering on this goal. I am pleased to advise the house that the regional development agencies of Whyalla, Eyre Peninsula and the Limestone Coast will each receive grants of $30,000 to do this, and I have recently written to them, informing of their success. This is part of bringing the government's Regional Business Sustainability—Competitive Business Program to businesses on the Eyre Peninsula and the Limestone Coast.
Through a series of workshops, local business owners and managers will have the opportunity to learn about how more efficient practices can help their businesses to flourish. As an example, they will be able to understand how better accounting practices can improve their financial management and how they can implement these practices. Forthcoming dates and times for these workshops will be announced by the agencies arising from this funding. The recipient agencies will be better able to mentor, teach and advise local businesses. The program will improve participating companies' understanding of how digital technologies can increase efficiency.
Specifically, these grants will assist participating companies to improve their business management practices; adopt new business processes using digital technologies; improve their financial management practices; understand that better accounting systems and secure online transaction systems can improve their profitability; improve their communication platforms; better use email and social media platforms; and better use mobile technology platforms. This is good news for regional business and I look forward to receiving ongoing reports of how these grants are helping the community.