House of Assembly: Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Ministerial Statement


The Hon. G. PORTOLESI (Hartley—Minister for Education and Child Development) (11:02): I seek leave to make a ministerial statement.

Leave granted.

The Hon. G. PORTOLESI: Yesterday in this place a very serious matter was raised concerning child abuse and the protection of children. The protection and wellbeing of children go to the very heart of my responsibilities as Minister for Education and Child Development. I take those responsibilities very seriously.

In regard to the serious matters raised yesterday, I advised the house on the basis of advice given to me. However, it is now apparent that there is a difference of opinion and that is cause for concern. That is why I have asked that an independent review investigates and reports to me in relation to this matter. These are very sensitive matters.

There are three elements that need to be balanced here. The first is that the children in question must be protected from further harm. The second is that actions taken by any element of government should not jeopardise a successful prosecution. Thirdly, we should acknowledge the importance of the community's right to know and for parents to be supported in the care and wellbeing of their children. We must strike this balance for the community to be assured that all allegations are properly investigated in a way that allows the best possible chance of successful prosecution and that we protect children.

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order!