House of Assembly: Wednesday, October 31, 2012



Ms CHAPMAN (Bragg) (14:35): Point of order, Madam Speaker: given that the minister has been invited to table the docket which she had referred to yesterday and has now indicated that she will consider it subject to certain qualifications, I would request that you direct her to table it—

Members interjecting:

Ms CHAPMAN: —to table that docket. She referred to it yesterday; I ask that she be directed to table it.

The Hon. P.F. CONLON: Point of order, Madam Speaker, on a point of clarification: could the member for Bragg indicate what possible standing order she relies upon to ask you to do that?

The SPEAKER: Yes, I uphold that; I could not see any point of order there that you are making. Perhaps we could consider it a question?

Ms CHAPMAN: I'm happy to do that.

The SPEAKER: We will count it as a question, but the minister need not respond.