House of Assembly: Tuesday, July 10, 2012



Dr McFETRIDGE (Morphett) (15:03): My question is to the Minister for Emergency Services. What is the government doing to ensure its changes to work safety laws do not limit the number of volunteers available to respond to emergencies? The SES Volunteers' Association have complained that their reclassification as workers under new work safety rules that begin in October will limit the number of hours volunteers can be on emergency duties. The association says that these changes will mean some volunteers who assist in a night-time emergency will be unable to work in their paid job the day after.

The Hon. J.M. RANKINE (Wright—Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety, Minister for Multicultural Affairs) (15:05): I thank the member for his question. Following quite widespread consultation I understand an approval from the SES Volunteers' Association of Regulation 17 of the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Regulations was varied in June this year, and that allowed for the activities of those volunteers of the SES and marine rescue associations to be prescribed under the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act.

Prior to this, it was only the CFS volunteers that were specifically covered under that, but there was an agreement that they were afforded those benefits nonetheless; but what we have done is clarify that so that they have the rights now that the CFS volunteers had. The advice that we have is that there is no 12-hour restriction on the volunteers; however, every organisation has a responsibility not to put their volunteers at risk. The amount of time that a volunteer would spend either in a fire front or responding to a rescue emergency would depend on the conditions on the day.