House of Assembly: Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Parliament House Matters


The SPEAKER (15:19): Members, today is a historic day for the House of Assembly as I believe it is the first time that we have sat in this place since our chamber was built. The last week has been a very difficult time in organising this session today, so I would ask you to put up with what is happening.

I want to give particular thanks to all of those who have made this possible: firstly, to the President and to the clerks of this place for allowing us to sit in here; also to my Clerk, Malcolm Lehman, who appears to have lost his hair worrying about this last week and organising the sorting of the asbestos problem; to the Government Whip and to the Opposition Whip and the Deputy Leader of the Opposition; to Hansard particularly, Philip Spencer and Anthony Hudson; to David Woolman, Building Services Manager; to our attendants and to the many others who have been involved in organising this week.

I would also remind members that the acoustics in this place are much better in here and ask them to understand that, if noise levels are not kept at minimal levels, it could be quite unacceptable in here. I notice the interjections are a lot louder already. I believe that this place is not used to the robust discussion and the interjections that may happen in our usual place, so please be aware of that. Your comments will be very easily picked up. Apart from all else, I hope that this all works and it all goes to plan.