House of Assembly: Wednesday, May 16, 2012



In reply to Mr GRIFFITHS (Goyder) (29 June 2011) (Estimates Committee B).

The Hon. P.F. CONLON (Elder—Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Minister for Housing and Urban Development): I have been advised:

Grants of $10,000 or more 2010-11

Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure

Name of Grant Recipient Amount of Grant ($) Purpose of Grant Subject to Grant Agreement (Y/N)
University of South Australia 13,861.54 A scholarship for women intending to pursue a program in civil engineering at the University of South Australia Y
Treasury 447,527.79 Indentured ports dividend payable to Treasury Y
Various Councils 443,459.00 South Australian Boating Facility Advisory Committee (SABFAC) Projects Y
Various Councils 149,809.09 Allocation to council for horticultural maintenance of road medians Y
Various Councils 1,599,761.16 2010-11 Auslink and State Black Spot Programme Y
KESAB 74,000.00 To provide support funding to KESAB for the Road Watch Program Y
Treasury 113,497.96 Lincoln Cove Marina Dividend Y
District Council of Coober Pedy 5,563,967.00 Annual operating subsidy to an independent operator in the Remote Areas Energy Supplies (RAES) program Y
Andamooka Power House 2,144,504.00 Annual operating subsidy to an independent operator in the RAES program Y
Dalfoam Pty Ltd 182,500.00 Annual operating subsidy to an independent operator in the RAES program Y
Various applicants (1,227 applications at $500 each) 613,500.00 Solar hot water rebates N
Ministerial Council on Energy 271,997.07 South Australia's funding obligation to the Ministerial Council on Energy (MCE) working groups Y
Australian Energy Market Commission 1,335,036.00 South Australia's funding obligation to the Australian Energy Market Commission Y
Various applicants 157,159.28 Grant Payments made under Remote Renewable Power Generation program Y
SA Police 34,701,000.00 Contribution from the Community Road Safety Fund for South Australia Police Programs N
Funds provided to Councils who auspice their local Community Road Safety Group 125,720.28 Funds for road safety projects at the local level (Application process and subject to selection criteria) Y
Small scale grants for community organisations and workplaces—Various recipients 29,633.00 To deliver projects on safer, greener and more active travel (All subject to individual funding agreements, application process and selection criteria Y
South Australia Police 153,000.00 Payment for the Rural Highways saturation policing strategy initiative (Saturation Funds)—focus on reducing road trauma on rural roads through additional patrol hours and high visibility policing in regional areas N
Department of Planning & Local Government (DPLG) 80,000.00 Funding provided to DPLG for the Implementation Plan of an Adelaide Integrated Design Strategy—payments will be made to DPC to undertake the project. DTEI contribution is $80k N
Local Council's & Red Cross 501,994.30 Grant payments to Local Government areas to provide Community Passenger Networks throughout the state Y
Red Cross 168,221.81 Grant payments to organisations to provide Community Passenger Networks throughout the state Y
Country Bus Operators 335,811.17 Subsidies payable to bus operators in SA Provincial Cities for passengers eligible to travel at concessional rates Y
Country Bus Operators 4,899,664.59 Subsidies payable to bus operators in SA country areas for passengers eligible to travel at concessional rates Y
Primary Industries and Resources SA 92,736.50 Contribution to the Resources and Energy Sector Infrastructure Council (RESIC) for Resources & Energy Infrastructure Demand Study N
Vic Roads 141,750.00 Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Road Reform Plan (CRRP) Contribution Y
Department of Premier and Cabinet 10,000.00 Funding for Thinker in Residence Y
Local Government Association 15,000.00 Climate Change Adaptation Project Y
National Heart Foundation of Australia 10,000.00 Shared Spaces Project—Streets for People Y
Adelaide City Council 46,667.00 State Cycling Blackspot Program Y
City of Mount Gambier 10,800.00 State Cycling Blackspot Program Y
Regional Council of Port Pirie 40,000.00 State Cycling Blackspot Program Y
Rural City of Murray Bridge 15,000.00 State Cycling Blackspot Program Y
Regional Council of Wakefield 30,110.00 State Cycling Blackspot Program Y
Outback Communities Authority 1,628,850.00 Remote Aerodrome Safety Program Y
Blinman Progress Association 27,715.00 Remote Aerodrome Safety Program Y
Clare Valley Flying Group 30,000.00 Aerodrome Construction Y
The Flinders Ranges Council 20,826.00 Remote Aerodrome Safety Program Y
District Council of Elliston 139,167.00 Remote Aerodrome Safety Program Y
District Council of Tumby Bay 98,834.00 Remote Aerodrome Safety Program Y
Department of Premier and Cabinet 237,250.00 Remote Aerodrome Safety Program Y
National Transport Commission 316,272.60 To contribute to the national road, rail and intermodal transport reform agenda Y
Taxi Service Providers 11,785,076.60 Taxi subsidies payable to individuals with limited mobility South Australian Transport Subsidy Scheme (SATSS) N*
Taxi Service Providers 698,626.87 Transport Subsidy Scheme expenses associated with the administering the SATSS N*
Taxi Service Providers 546,093.53 Taxi subsidies payable to individuals with limited mobility—Journey to Work N*
Taxi Service Providers 36,875.00 Taxi subsidies payable to individuals with limited mobility—Tertiary Education Scheme N*
Total Grants 70,083,275.14

* No actual funding agreement but members to use vouchers in accordance with Condition of Use of the South Australian Transport Subsidy Scheme (SATSS)


Nil Grants

Land Management Corporation

Nil Grants