House of Assembly: Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Personal Explanation


The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL (Cheltenham—Premier, Minister for State Development) (17:59): I seek leave to make a personal explanation.

Leave granted.

The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL: Earlier today in the other place the Hon. Ann Bressington made a number of remarks that I seek to address. I had a meeting with the Hon. Ms Bressington to discuss shop trading hours legislation. It was the Hon. Ms Bressington who brought up with me the issue of DrugBeat funding. I sought advice from the Minister for Health, who informed me that funding for DrugBeat was subject to an independent procurement process. I, and indeed the minister, did not believe it was appropriate to interfere with the independent procurement process that was then underway, and the government did not interfere with that independent process.