House of Assembly: Wednesday, May 02, 2012



Mr PISONI (Unley) (15:08): I have a supplementary question. If, as the minister said, there were such diverse submissions given to her during this process, why then did she present each and every school with the same form letter, with only the address and the last paragraph changed?

The Hon. G. PORTOLESI (Hartley—Minister for Education and Child Development) (15:09): Clearly, we have never denied that the majority of the review reports do not favour amalgamation. We have never denied that. We have been completely—

An honourable member interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order!

The Hon. G. PORTOLESI: We have been completely transparent about that fact, as we have been about the fact that, at the time that we made this decision, we have also injected a further $203 million into education. I choose to communicate with the members of the review committees in the manner I see fit, and I think that is entirely appropriate.

I have to say that I have visited all but one school that opposed the amalgamation, and that was Nicolson Avenue Primary, I think, in Whyalla. In fact, Madam Speaker, you would be able to correct me on its proper title—Nicolson Avenue, I believe, the name of the school is. I am sorry I was not able to visit that school, simply for logistical reasons, but I hope to get there with your good self in good time. That has been very, very useful for me, as have been the review reports and the process around that. I think this has been a rigorous process.

I acknowledge that this is a difficult decision for some schools. However, again we need to be very clear about this: many leaders acknowledge, when I ask them, that they are already effectively operating as an amalgamated site—one reception area, one governing school council, etc., same uniform, fully integrated site, fully integrated facilities—and they also acknowledge that for many, many years they have the had the benefit of this extra allocation. They have had the benefit that the other 339 sites—their colleagues around the corner, up the road—have not had, and I do not think that is fair.

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order!

Ms Chapman interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order! Member for Bragg, you've got a question.