House of Assembly: Tuesday, March 27, 2012



Mrs REDMOND (Heysen—Leader of the Opposition) (15:10): My question is again to the Premier. What guarantee was there that the $180 million of state and federal funds announced in December 2008 would secure Holden against future job losses? Will the Premier explain why, subsequent to this money being announced, there have been 470 jobs lost at Holden?

The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL (Cheltenham—Premier, Minister for State Development) (15:10): The essence of that previous commitment is that we have now a thriving, existing manufacturing industry here in the northern suburbs—remember this. There were, I think, 90,000 vehicles produced at Holden's last year and there are forecast to be 90,000 again this year. Indeed, but for the change in the Australian dollar, it would have increased by more than that; that is what explains the recent lay-offs.

It is impossible to forecast, having regard to the Australian dollar, the new design, market conditions and a competitive global environment, what is going to happen in the future at any point, whether it was the time when they made the investment in the Cruze or the time we make the investment now. What we do know is, absent this investment, this factory closes—that is clear. That is a certainty and that is what we are dealing with here. The best available commitment we have for the future is the fact that there is $1 billion of investment going here into South Australia to make sure that we have two new-generation vehicles being manufactured here in South Australia.

Just remember this: with the $275 million, which is the nature of the commitment that we are looking at here, and the $1 billion that is going here into this investment, the lion's share of that benefit will be enjoyed by South Australians. Now, on most planets, except in the parallel universe that constitutes the other side of the parliament, that would be a cause for celebration and they would be saying, 'We are right behind you, Premier. Get a few more deals like that for us,' but, instead, we have a negative opposition that wants to talk down—

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order!

The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL: —the state at every available opportunity.

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order! Premier, have you finished your answer? You have, yes. The member for Norwood.