Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliament House Matters
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
The SPEAKER (17:43): Earlier today, the member for Waite drew the chair's attention, by way of a point of order at the time the ministers were tabling papers, to the delay in the tabling of the annual report of the Department for Health for the year ending 30 June 2011. First, I would say that it is not the role of the chair to determine if the minister has complied with his obligations under the Public Sector Act, or any other act.
The member for Waite, in raising his point of order, reminded the house that the Auditor-General in his Agency Audit Reports, Supplementary Report, to the parliament tabled on 22 November 2011, advised the house that the audited financial reports of the four health regions, and therefore the audit department's financial report, was continuing at the time of his supplementary report to the parliament.
The Minister for Health, by way of a ministerial statement to the house following the member for Waite's point of order, has provided a further explanation to the house for the delay.
I also note that section 112(7) of the Public Sector Act 2009 requires that the annual report must contain information required by regulations under the act, which includes the relevant audited financial statements. I also note that section 12(9) of the same act requires that at the time the delayed report is eventually tabled it must be accompanied by a written statement of the reasons for the delay.
At 17:46 the house adjourned until Tuesday 13 March 2012 at 11:00.