House of Assembly: Thursday, March 01, 2012



The Hon. R.B. SUCH (Fisher) (12:58): I move:

That this house calls upon the Minister for Education and Child Development to review the decision to amalgamate junior primary and primary schools involving the loss of leadership positions and the consequential negative impact on student learning and behavioural outcomes.

One of my schools, Happy Valley Primary School, has asked me to raise this issue as a matter of concern because they believe that, whilst the government has said that it will compensate the school during any amalgamation, they do not believe that will fully deal with the issues that are currently catered for by having the additional senior staff.

I do not need to speak at length on this. There are other schools around the state that are in a similar situation. But I do ask the minister, when she looks at the recommendations from the various committees relating to amalgamations, to take into account any consequential and possible negative effects on the students' learning and on the behavioural outcomes in those schools. I commend the motion to the house.

Debate adjourned on motion of Mrs Geraghty.

[Sitting suspended from 12:59 to 14:00]