House of Assembly: Wednesday, February 15, 2012



248 Mrs REDMOND (Heysen—Leader of the Opposition) (13 July 2011) (First Session). With respect to 2011-12 Budget Paper 4—Volume 3, p127, Program 1—

1. Why will 'employee benefit expenses' increase in 2011-12 and 'supplies and services' decrease?

2. What is the change in Cabinet Office FTE's in 2011-12?

The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL (Cheltenham—Premier, Minister for State Development): I have been advised of the following:

The higher employee benefit expenditure in 2011-12 when compared with the 2010-11 Estimated Result is predominately due to the indexation of wages and salaries expenses.

The lower supplies and services expenditure in 2011-12 when compared with the 2010-11 Estimated Result is mainly attributable to once off funding provided in 2010-11 for the SA Strategic Plan initiative.

Cabinet Office reported 51.2 FTEs as at 30 June 2011 compared with the 2010-11 budget of 57.5 FTEs. 55.5 FTEs have been budgeted for in 2011-12.