House of Assembly: Tuesday, February 14, 2012



In reply to Mr GRIFFITHS (Goyder) (23 November 2011) (First Session).

The Hon. T.R. KENYON (Newland—Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills, Minister for Science and Information Economy, Minister for Recreation and Sport): The Active Club Program (ACP) was established in 1996 through monies made available from the Sport and Recreation Fund and under the governance of the Gaming Machines Act 1992. Originally there was a total of $940,000 with $20,000 available for each of the 47 State Electorates over two (2) funding rounds ($10,000 per round).

In 2000 the total funds available for distribution through ACP was increased to $1,880,000. This equated to $40,000 for each of the 47 State Electorates over two (2) rounds ($20,000 per round). Of the $1,880,000, $940,000 was funded through the Sport and Recreation Fund and $940,000 through Treasury appropriation.

In 2004 the total funds available for distribution through ACP was further increased to $2,350,000. This equates to $50,000 for each of the 47 State Electorates over two (2) rounds ($25,000 per round). All of the $2,350,000 is funded through the Sport and Recreation Fund.