Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Parliamentary Committees
Personal Explanation
Mr HAMILTON-SMITH (Waite—Leader of the Opposition) (15:18): On 29 April in the house I made an apology to the Premier, the Hon. Mike Rann, and to the Hon. Nick Bolkus, Mr Michael Brown and others concerning a media release issued by me on 28 April 2009 which made a series of accusations against the Premier and others. That apology and a further apology made by me on 8 May were not acceptable. I now wish to make the following further retraction and apology and place it on the permanent record.
In the media release on 28 April I accused the Premier and others of serious criminal misconduct, and I also released documents that I claimed supported my allegations. My allegations were untrue, and the documents I released were forgeries. I accept that the allegations I made against the Premier in the media release and in the subsequent media interviews were false, and unfairly and improperly questioned his honesty and integrity. I accept that the Premier did not in any way act dishonestly or corruptly. I unreservedly apologise to the Premier for the hurt and embarrassment I have caused him, his office and his family.
In the media release and in the subsequent media interviews I also made allegations against Mr Bolkus, Mr Brown and the Hon. Mr Koutsantonis. These allegations were based on the same forged documents. I accept that the allegations and imputations against each of those persons were false, and unfairly and improperly questioned their honesty and integrity. I accept that they did not in any way act dishonestly or corruptly, and I unreservedly apologise to each of them for the hurt and embarrassment I have caused them, their respective offices and their families.