Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Parliamentary Committees
Personal Explanation
Dr McFETRIDGE (Morphett) (14:51): My question is again to the Minister for Transport. Can he advise the house how many transactions that were processed through the department's TRUMPS system were deficient, and what was the total value of these deficient transactions from the time the TRUMPS system went live in September 2007? The Auditor-General stated in his report tabled yesterday:
Audit was unable to obtain assurances that all transactions processed by the department through the TRUMPS system during the year were accurately reflected in the financial statements.
The Hon. P.F. CONLON (Elder—Minister for Transport, Minister for Infrastructure, Minister for Energy) (14:52): There is a sum of some—I do not have it in front of me—$700,000 mentioned in the audit report. In fact, after that was identified, further work between the Auditor-General's team and the department's team identified and chased down all of those things. I can provide the member with some detail, but we are talking about, from memory, $1.1 billion worth of transactions, including 4.1 million transactions.
Once that further work had been done it was found that as at June 2008 there was some $5,000 that had not been appropriately allocated. That means that it had not been put in the right column. Not a single cent of taxpayers' money was lost, but there was $5,000 not accurately allocated and there was some $36,000, out of a total of $1.1 billion, what the accountants called 'expensed', expensed are sums too small to be worth the administrative cost of pursuing, which I am reliably advised—if there are any accountants in the audience—is very much a reasonable sum in regard to $1.1 billion worth of turnover. My understanding is that the end result is that some $5,000 out of that $1.1 billion was not properly allocated to, I assume, the appropriate accounting standard.