Parliamentary Committees
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Ministerial Statement
Personal Explanation
Grievance Debate
Personal Explanation
Personal Explanation
Ms SIMMONS (Morialta) (15:06): My question is to the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries. What contribution is the South Australian Food Centre making to the growth and success of the food sector in our state?
The Hon. P. CAICA (Colton—Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Forests, Minister for Regional Development) (15:06): I thank the honourable member for her question and acknowledge her keen interest in food.
An honourable member interjecting:
The Hon. P. CAICA: We all have a keen interest, that is exactly right. I am pleased to report to the house that the SA Food Centre, which was opened in September last year by the Premier, has made an outstanding start, with 250 South Australian food businesses already becoming involved with the centre. The SA Food Centre is a key government initiative arising from the South Australian Food Plan 2007-10 and represents a truly innovative approach to industry development. It is the first centre of its type in Australia in that it seeks to harness the resources of all the centre's partners as well as a wide range of other important collaborators in South Australia, interstate and overseas.
At the heart of this partnership between the food industry and government are PIRSA's Industry, Development and Renewal division and SARDI; DTED's Centre for Innovation; and the outstanding TAFE Regency campus. We are all accused from time to time of the silo mentality that operates not only within government but also within certain industries and, in addition to its core partners, the SA Food Centre has been successful in moving away from that silo approach and is building strong linkages across government, industry, tertiary education providers and private sector providers.
The SA Food Centre has staff available to assist in areas including industry and market development, food technology, post harvest handling, food engineering, and aquaculture and seafood. In addition to the funding provided through the Food Plan program, the SA Food Centre has been successful in leveraging the following additional contributions:
$308,000 from enterprises in 'enterprise improvement initiatives', and over $65,000 of in-kind contribution;
over $500,000 in federal funding for industry-based projects; and
$298,000 from DFEEST to implement the Cheese Master program.
Some examples flowing from the success of the centre to date include:
The development of a graduate access program working with undergraduate and graduate students from TAFE and universities on industry projects to benefit industry and encourage career pathways through the industry.
The Australian Seafood CRC has agreed to locate its Australian Seafood Productivity improvement specialist in South Australia, with a significant amount of time to be spent working from the SA Food Centre.
A series of workshops and seminars have been held on topics, including new product development, marketing, environmental improvement and improving business capability, with over 260 industry participants attending.
The Cheese Master program (which I know the opposition and, in fact, every member of the house is interested in) has been established in conjunction with the Food, Tourism and Hospitality Industry Skills Advisory Council of South Australia, and Cheese SA has received funding from DFEEST to develop a training package for the industry.
The SA Food Centre is making a valuable contribution to the growth of the South Australian finished foods sector, which has now grown to $4.4 billion.
I must also mention that the SA Food Centre manages the prestigious South Australian Premier's Food Awards, which I will have the great pleasure of launching this evening. These awards are now in their 12th year and continue to showcase the leading businesses that have helped establish our state as a producer of safe, high quality food and beverage products—products that are sought from all over the world.
I encourage all members of this house to contemplate visiting Regency TAFE to look at what is being done. I have no doubt in my mind that it is something that showcases that which does not exist anywhere around Australia, but also I would say there are very few places like this anywhere in the world. I have not travelled that far, but I know that—
Members interjecting:
The Hon. P. CAICA: No, but seriously, I would encourage everyone to go down to the SA Food Centre for a tour or a visit, which I would be happy to arrange.