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Ministerial Statement
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Grievance Debate
Ministerial Statement
Grievance Debate
Mr PENGILLY (Finniss) (16:32): In Australia, 500,000 people are employed in tourism. A document put out today by a major tourism organisation states that 29,000 jobs are at risk. In the Premier's ministerial statement today, he said that there is no question that times are tough and that some jobs will be lost but that the government will do everything in its power to protect jobs, create jobs and prepare for future growth when the global economic climate improves.
Why do I raise that? Well, quite simply, because of the absolutely obscene rise in national parks entry fees into Seal Bay and other parks on Kangaroo Island. 'Obscene' was the term used by Mr. Marc Warren of Budget Kangaroo Island on the radio the other day. I quote from The Islander last week:
A family ticket to a Seal Bay beach tour is now $75, up from $38. An individual ticket is $27.50 (from $14) and the boardwalk tour $12.50 (from $10).
The price increase will also impact on Kangaroo Island Tour Pass (entry to all...sites), which increases to $160.50 for a family (from $126) and $59 an adult (from $46.50).
What is taking place here is absolute lunacy, and I cannot believe that the minister will allow this to happen. Seal Bay is the icon of tourism on Kangaroo Island, and I would like to think that the ERD Committee of parliament will look at this. Quite frankly, these people are out of their mind. The local DEH officers are beside themselves. They cannot speak out for fear of retribution.
Mr Brett Simes, the Program Leader of Commercial Tourism Services, Conservation Policy and Programs, has sent a letter out to tourism operators announcing what they are doing. Also, there has been talk about the consultation that has taken place. Well, there has not been any consultation. Three plans were put up to operators for Seal Bay. They were not asked what they thought, and they just blazed away and whacked up these prices.
Kangaroo Island is already an expensive destination. It is already difficult for people to get over there, whether by boat or plane. To get over there and be faced with a 100 per cent increase in park entry fees into Seal Bay, and to other places, is just totally ridiculous. One wonders where the Rann Labor government is going. Does it want people to visit the island or not? CPI would have been acceptable, but a nearly 100 per cent increase is extreme.
The Minister for Tourism would also be advised to talk to the minister for the environment about this issue, because it is simply unsustainable. It will cost jobs on Kangaroo Island, it will cost jobs in the transport sector, in accommodation, tour companies and small businesses all around the island, all because of this absolutely ludicrous situation. It is bureaucracy gone mad and it should be addressed.
I have spoken to a number of tour operators on the island (small and large operators) over the last few days, and they are outraged at what has happened. They cannot believe that this has taken place. They can in no way afford to lift their prices by 100 per cent, or probably even by 2 or 3 per cent because, quite simply, they will not be in business—nobody will be able to afford them. But here we are, the government department whacks up the cost to get into Seal Bay by nearly 100 per cent, including the family passes.
I urge members on the other side who have some semblance of decency about cost increases to take this matter up with the minister, the Treasurer and the Premier and have it redressed. It is madness; absolute madness. About 110,000 people a year visit Seal Bay. What will this do? People are driving in there—and it is several kilometres in and several kilometres out—finding out what the cost is and driving away, because they simply cannot afford to go in.
Is this the Labor government's great attempt at being fair to everybody: putting up prices nearly 100 per cent? How can we do that to young families? We are losing jobs everywhere. We have heard what could possibly happen at Holden's. We are losing jobs in all sorts of industries. People are in a position where they can still take a short break and travel within South Australia for a short holiday. They are being put in a situation where they go over to Kangaroo Island—which is a Mecca for visitors—they come down through the Fleurieu and go to things there, but they cannot afford to go to Seal Bay.