Answers to Questions
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Parliamentary Committees
Grievance Debate
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
The following papers were laid on the table:
By the Minister for the Arts (Hon. M.D. Rann)—
Regulations under the following Act—
South Australian Country Arts Trust—Revocation
By the Minister for Sustainability and Climate Change (Hon. M.D. Rann)—
Climate Change and Greenhouse Emissions Reduction Act 2007—South Australian Government Report dated February 2009
By the Attorney-General (Hon. M.J. Atkinson)—
Rules of Court—
Supreme Court—Civil—Amendment No.7
By the Minister for Health (Hon. J.D. Hill)—
Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science—Report 2007-08
Mid North Health—Report 2007-08
Northern Adelaide Hills Health Service Inc—Report 2007-08
By the Minister for Environment and Conservation (Hon. J.W. Weatherill)—
National Environment Protection Council—Report 2007-08
By the Minister for Families and Communities (Hon. J.M. Rankine)—
Regulations under the following Act—
Liquor Licensing—Dry Areas—Bordertown
Local Council By-Laws—District Council of Orroroo Carrieton—
No.1—Permits and Penalties
No.2—Moveable Signs
No.3—Local Government Land
By the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries (Hon. P. Caica)—
Regulations under the following Acts—
Primary Industry Funding Schemes—Olive Industry Fund
Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes)—Food Safety Schemes—Dairy Industry
By the Minister for Industrial Relations (Hon. P. Caica)—
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation—Rule 30—Costs of Proceedings
Fair Work—Industrial Proceedings—Fire and Emergency Services
By the Minister for Correctional Services (Hon. A. Koutsantonis)—
Regulations under the following Act—
Correctional Services—Exclusions from Automatic Release on Parole
By the Minister for Gambling (Hon. A. Koutsantonis)—
Regulations under the following Act—
Authorised Betting Operations—Contributions Payable
Codes of Practice—Authorised Betting Operations—
Advertising—Authorised Interstate Betting Operations
Responsible Gambling—Authorised Interstate Betting Operations
Responsible Gambling—Bookmakers
Requirements for Systems and Procedures Designed to Prevent Betting by Children