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219 Dr McFETRIDGE (Morphett) (21 October 2008).
1. What plans were implemented in 2007-08 towards achieving that part of South Australia's Strategic Plan relating to Aboriginal wellbeing, what were the associated costs, how many participants were there, who assisted in the implementation, what were the outcomes and how will the benefits of this program be measured?
2. Did the Minister for Health give any funds or staff for the implementation of this plan?
The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL (Cheltenham—Minister for Environment and Conservation, Minister for Early Childhood Development, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation, Minister Assisting the Premier in Cabinet Business and Public Sector Management): The Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation has advised that:
South Australia's Strategic Plan (SASP) contains 9 Aboriginal-specific targets that seek improve the wellbeing of Aboriginal people and communities in South Australia. These include T1.26 on Aboriginal unemployment, T2.5 relating to Aboriginal life expectancy, T4.5 on understanding Aboriginal culture and T6.18 concerning Aboriginal education. Additionally, tracking of progress against many of the other targets also includes disaggregation by Aboriginality, for example T6.3 which records rates of low infant birthweight. (Information on progress against SASP targets is available at
Of particular importance to achieving improved Aboriginal wellbeing is Target 6.1 (Aboriginal Wellbeing). It is a unique target in that it aims to holistically track progress in Aboriginal wellbeing across all relevant Strategic Plan targets. The Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation Division (AARD), DPC is responsible for this coordinating target, which seeks to produce an overarching framework that enables the South Australian Government to deliver improved outcomes—in all areas—to Aboriginal people in this State.
Significant work is being undertaken in areas such as leadership, heritage and culture; education, training and employment; economic development; health and wellbeing; housing and infrastructure; and caring for country. This is reflected in DPC's 2007-08 Annual Report.
The coordinated approach to Aboriginal wellbeing required by Target 6.1 is being complemented by efforts to maximise Aboriginal input into planning and policy development. This has included engagement with the peak Aboriginal policy body, the SA Aboriginal Advisory Council, and at a community level through the negotiation of Community Development Plans in each discrete Aboriginal community.
Finally, in response to the honourable member's question asking specifically for information relating to Aboriginal health initiatives and funding, I advise that the government's efforts in this area are captured in the Department of Health's 2007-08 Annual Report.