House of Assembly: Thursday, June 05, 2008



In reply to Dr McFETRIDGE (Morphett) (27 June 2007). (Estimates Committee A).

The Hon. M.D. RANN (Ramsay—Premier, Minister for Economic Development, Minister for Social Inclusion, Minister for the Arts, Minister for Sustainability and Climate Change): I have been advised of the following:

This is predominately a timing and accounting process issue. With regard to the History Trust, at the time the income was estimated it reflected lower-than- expected visitor numbers at the National Motor Museum. Subsequent to the budget being provided, attendance figures improved markedly. The History Trust have now revised their estimated revenue to $1.003 million, an increase from 2006-07.

During 2006-07, the South Australian Museum made a change in its commercial activities whereby both the shop and café operations were transferred, effective 1 November 2006, from the Museum Board to the Museum Foundation. Arising from this is an estimated $550,000 revenue that will no longer appear within the Arts SA administered accounts. However the Museum's projected ongoing success in achieving Australian Research Council grants, plus the impost of charges to temporary exhibitions is expected to appreciably meet this shortfall. As a result the forward external revenue projections show a 4 per cent decline for 2007-08. However, it should be noted this decline is essentially an accounting/reporting matter in that the revenue forgone through Arts SA is effectively still accrued for the benefit of the Museum through the Foundation.

With regard to boosting visitor numbers, the Honourable Member would be aware that both the History Trust and Museum are included in South Australia's Strategic Plan target 4.3 to increase visitor numbers at cultural institutions by 20 per cent by 2014. I am happy to report that the Museum achieved record attendance every month but May for the last 6 months of the financial year in 2006-07.

Both organisations are involved in a number of initiatives as part of South Australia's Strategic Plan such as continuous improvements to the amenities of galleries and public spaces like renovating the Migration Museum at the History Trust and creating a new Biodiversity Gallery at the Museum; providing high profile special exhibitions; developing partnerships and collaborations such as History Trust's recent work with the State Electoral Office; and targeting initiatives at young audiences.